LongArray |
LongArray.combine(LongArray other,
LongBinaryOperator operator) |
Returns an instance where each element is formed by some combination of the matching
values in this array and the other array.
LongArray |
LongArray.concat(long... arrayToConcat) |
Returns an array that combines this array and the specified array.
LongArray |
LongArray.concat(LongArray arrayToConcat) |
Returns an array that combines this array and the specified array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.copyOf(long[] array) |
Obtains an instance from an array of long .
static LongArray |
LongArray.copyOf(long[] array,
int fromIndex) |
Obtains an instance by copying part of an array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.copyOf(long[] array,
int fromIndexInclusive,
int toIndexExclusive) |
Obtains an instance by copying part of an array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.copyOf(Collection<Long> collection) |
Obtains an instance from a collection of Long .
LongArray |
LongArray.dividedBy(long divisor) |
Returns an instance with each value divided by the specified divisor.
LongArray |
LongArray.dividedBy(LongArray other) |
Returns an instance where each element is calculated by dividing values in this array by values in the other array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.filled(int size) |
Obtains an instance with all entries equal to the zero.
static LongArray |
LongArray.filled(int size,
long value) |
Obtains an instance with all entries equal to the same value.
LongArray |
LongArray.map(LongUnaryOperator operator) |
Returns an instance with an operation applied to each value in the array.
LongArray |
LongArray.mapWithIndex(IntLongToLongFunction function) |
Returns an instance with an operation applied to each indexed value in the array.
LongArray |
LongArray.minus(long amount) |
Returns an instance with the specified amount subtracted from each value.
LongArray |
LongArray.minus(LongArray other) |
Returns an instance where each element is equal to the difference between the
matching values in this array and the other array.
LongArray |
LongArray.multipliedBy(long factor) |
Returns an instance with each value multiplied by the specified factor.
LongArray |
LongArray.multipliedBy(LongArray other) |
Returns an instance where each element is equal to the product of the
matching values in this array and the other array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of() |
Obtains an empty immutable array.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(int size,
IntToLongFunction valueFunction) |
Obtains an instance with entries filled using a function.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value) |
Obtains an immutable array with a single value.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2) |
Obtains an immutable array with two values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3) |
Obtains an immutable array with three values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4) |
Obtains an immutable array with four values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4,
long value5) |
Obtains an immutable array with five values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4,
long value5,
long value6) |
Obtains an immutable array with six values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4,
long value5,
long value6,
long value7) |
Obtains an immutable array with seven values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4,
long value5,
long value6,
long value7,
long value8) |
Obtains an immutable array with eight values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(long value1,
long value2,
long value3,
long value4,
long value5,
long value6,
long value7,
long value8,
long... otherValues) |
Obtains an immutable array with more than eight values.
static LongArray |
LongArray.of(LongStream stream) |
Obtains an instance with entries filled from a stream.
static LongArray |
LongArray.ofUnsafe(long[] array) |
Obtains an instance by wrapping an array.
LongArray |
LongArray.plus(long amount) |
Returns an instance with the specified amount added to each value.
LongArray |
LongArray.plus(LongArray other) |
Returns an instance where each element is the sum of the matching values
in this array and the other array.
LongArray |
LongArray.sorted() |
Returns a sorted copy of this array.
LongArray |
LongArray.subArray(int fromIndexInclusive) |
Returns an array holding the values from the specified index onwards.
LongArray |
LongArray.subArray(int fromIndexInclusive,
int toIndexExclusive) |
Returns an array holding the values between the specified from and to indices.
LongArray |
LongArray.with(int index,
long newValue) |
Returns an instance with the value at the specified index changed.