Uses of Package
Packages that use com.opengamma.strata.collect.function Package Description com.opengamma.strata.collect Root package for common data structures used by Array data Additional functional interfaces not supplied by Java SE Provides utilities for the management of input and Time-series data Basic types to model market data across scenarios. -
Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by com.opengamma.strata.collect Class Description CheckedBiConsumer A checked version ofBiConsumer
.CheckedBiFunction A checked version ofBiFunction
.CheckedBinaryOperator A checked version ofBinaryOperator
.CheckedBiPredicate A checked version ofBiPredicate
.CheckedConsumer A checked version ofConsumer
.CheckedFunction A checked version ofFunction
.CheckedPredicate A checked version ofPredicate
.CheckedRunnable A checked version ofRunnable
.CheckedSupplier A checked version ofSupplier
.CheckedUnaryOperator A checked version ofUnaryOperator
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Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by com.opengamma.strata.collect.array Class Description DoubleTernaryOperator A function of three arguments that returns a value.IntDoubleConsumer An operation consuming two arguments -int
.IntDoubleToDoubleFunction A function of two arguments -int
.IntIntConsumer An operation consuming two arguments -int
.IntIntDoubleConsumer An operation consuming three arguments -int
.IntIntDoubleToDoubleFunction A function of three arguments -int
.IntIntToDoubleFunction A function of two arguments -int
.IntLongConsumer An operation consuming two arguments -int
.IntLongToLongFunction A function of two arguments -int
.IntTernaryOperator A function of three arguments that returns a value.LongTernaryOperator A function of three arguments that returns a value. -
Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by com.opengamma.strata.collect.function Class Description CheckedBiFunction A checked version ofBiFunction
.CheckedFunction A checked version ofFunction
.ObjDoubleFunction A function of two arguments - one object and onedouble
.ObjDoublePredicate A predicate of two arguments - one object and onedouble
.ObjDoubleToDoubleFunction A function of two arguments - one object and onedouble
- that returns adouble
.ObjIntFunction A function of two arguments - one object and oneint
.ObjIntPredicate A predicate of two arguments - one object and oneint
.ObjLongFunction A function of two arguments - one object and onelong
.ObjLongPredicate A predicate of two arguments - one object and onelong
.TriConsumer A consumer that takes three arguments.TriFunction A function that takes three arguments.TriPredicate A predicate that takes three arguments. -
Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by Class Description CheckedSupplier A checked version ofSupplier
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Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by com.opengamma.strata.collect.timeseries Class Description ObjDoublePredicate A predicate of two arguments - one object and onedouble
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Classes in com.opengamma.strata.collect.function used by Class Description ObjIntFunction A function of two arguments - one object and oneint