ArrayByteSource |
StringCharSource.asByteSource(Charset charset) |
ArrayByteSource |
StringCharSource.asByteSourceUtf8() |
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.copyOf(byte[] array) |
Obtains an instance, copying the array.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.copyOf(byte[] array,
int fromIndex) |
Obtains an instance by copying part of an array.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.copyOf(byte[] array,
int fromIndexInclusive,
int toIndexExclusive) |
Obtains an instance by copying part of an array.
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.decode(ByteSourceCodec codec) |
Decodes the byte source.
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.encode(ByteSourceCodec codec) |
Encodes the byte source.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.from(ByteSource other) |
Obtains an instance from another byte source.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.from(CheckedSupplier<? extends InputStream> inputStreamSupplier) |
Obtains an instance from an input stream.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.from(InputStream inputStream) |
Obtains an instance from an input stream.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.from(InputStream inputStream,
int expectedSize) |
Obtains an instance from an input stream, specifying the expected size.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.fromBase64(String base64) |
Obtains an instance from a base-64 encoded string.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.fromHex(String hex) |
Obtains an instance from a hex encoded string, sometimes referred to as base-16.
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.load() |
ArrayByteSource |
BeanByteSource.load() |
Loads the content of the byte source into memory.
ArrayByteSource |
FileByteSource.load() |
ArrayByteSource |
UriByteSource.load() |
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.ofUnsafe(byte[] array) |
Obtains an instance, not copying the array.
static ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.ofUtf8(String str) |
Obtains an instance from a string using UTF-8.
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.slice(long offset,
long length) |
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.toBase64() |
Encodes the byte source using base-64.
ArrayByteSource |
BeanByteSource.toBase64() |
Encodes the byte source using base-64.
ArrayByteSource |
BeanByteSource.toHash(HashFunction hashFunction) |
Returns a new byte source containing the hash of the content of this byte source.
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.toMd5() |
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.toSha512() |
ArrayByteSource |
ArrayByteSource.withFileName(String fileName) |
Returns an instance with the file name updated.
static ArrayByteSource |
ZipUtils.zipInMemory(List<? extends BeanByteSource> sources) |
Creates a zip file from the list of files in memory.