ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode | |
static ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode |
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.of(ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate template,
ObservableId rateId) |
Returns a curve node for a three leg basis swap using the
specified instrument template and rate.
static ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode |
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.of(ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate template,
ObservableId rateId,
double additionalSpread) |
Returns a curve node for a three leg basis swap using the specified instrument template, rate key and spread.
static ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode |
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.of(ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate template,
ObservableId rateId,
double additionalSpread,
String label) |
Returns a curve node for a three leg basis swap using the specified instrument template, rate key, spread and label.
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode |
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.withDate(CurveNodeDate date) |
Returns a copy of this node with the specified date.