Market data for quotes.
A quote is a basic observable piece of market data, expressed as a double
Class Summary Class Description IndexQuoteId An identifier used to access the current value of an index.LegalEntityInformation Legal entity information.LegalEntityInformation.Meta The meta-bean forLegalEntityInformation
.LegalEntityInformationId Identifies the market data for legal entity information.Quote A quoted value for a given security, such as an equity or future.Quote.Meta The meta-bean forQuote
.QuoteId An identifier used to access a market quote.QuoteScenarioArray Container for values for an item of quoted market data in multiple scenarios.QuoteScenarioArray.Meta The meta-bean forQuoteScenarioArray
.QuoteScenarioArrayId An identifier identifying aQuoteScenarioArray
containing values for a piece of quoted market data in multiple scenarios.QuoteScenarioArrayId.Meta The meta-bean forQuoteScenarioArrayId