ExtendedTrapezoidIntegrator1D |
The trapezoid integration rule is a two-point Newton-Cotes formula that
approximates the area under the curve as a trapezoid.
GaussianQuadratureData |
GaussianQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Class that performs integration using Gaussian quadrature.
Integrator |
Interface for integration.
Integrator1D |
Class for defining the integration of 1-D functions.
Integrator2D |
Class for defining the integration of 2-D functions.
QuadratureWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Interface for classes that generate weights and abscissas for use in Gaussian quadrature.
RombergIntegrator1D |
SimpsonIntegrator1D |
Simpson's integration rule is a Newton-Cotes formula that approximates the
function to be integrated with quadratic polynomials before performing the