Class RealSingleRootFinder

    • Constructor Detail

      • RealSingleRootFinder

        public RealSingleRootFinder()
    • Method Detail

      • checkInputs

        protected void checkInputs​(Function<Double,​Double> function,
                                   Double x1,
                                   Double x2)
        Tests that the inputs to the root-finder are not null, and that a root is bracketed by the bounding values.
        function - The function, not null
        x1 - The first bound, not null
        x2 - The second bound, not null, must be greater than x1
        IllegalArgumentException - if x1 and x2 do not bracket a root
      • checkInputs

        protected void checkInputs​(DoubleFunction1D function,
                                   Double x1,
                                   Double x2)
        Tests that the inputs to the root-finder are not null, and that a root is bracketed by the bounding values.
        function - The function, not null
        x1 - The first bound, not null
        x2 - The second bound, not null, must be greater than x1
        IllegalArgumentException - if x1 and x2 do not bracket a root