Package com.opengamma.strata.pricer.cms
Calculators for CMS.
Class Summary Class Description DiscountingCmsLegPricer Pricer for CMS legs by simple forward estimation.DiscountingCmsProductPricer Computes the price of a CMS product by simple forward estimation.DiscountingCmsTradePricer Pricer for CMS trade by simple forward estimation.SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsLegPricer Pricer for CMS legs by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer Computes the price of a CMS coupon/caplet/floorlet by swaption replication on a shifted SABR formula with extrapolation.SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsProductPricer Pricer for CMS products by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsTradePricer Pricer for CMS trade by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.