static Cds.Builder |
Cds.builder() |
Returns a builder used to create an instance of the bean.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Meta.builder() |
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.buySell(BuySell buySell) |
Sets whether the CDS is buy or sell.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.currency(Currency currency) |
Sets the currency of the CDS.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.dayCount(DayCount dayCount) |
Sets the day count convention.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.fixedRate(double fixedRate) |
Sets the fixed coupon rate.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.legalEntityId(StandardId legalEntityId) |
Sets the legal entity identifier.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.notional(double notional) |
Sets the notional amount, must be non-negative.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.paymentOnDefault(PaymentOnDefault paymentOnDefault) |
Sets the payment on default.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.paymentSchedule(PeriodicSchedule paymentSchedule) |
Sets the payment schedule.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.protectionStart(ProtectionStartOfDay protectionStart) |
Sets the protection start of the day.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.set(String propertyName,
Object newValue) |
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.set(org.joda.beans.MetaProperty<?> property,
Object value) |
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.settlementDateOffset(DaysAdjustment settlementDateOffset) |
Sets the number of days between valuation date and settlement date.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.Builder.stepinDateOffset(DaysAdjustment stepinDateOffset) |
Sets the number of days between valuation date and step-in date.
Cds.Builder |
Cds.toBuilder() |
Returns a builder that allows this bean to be mutated.