Trade loader for Swaps

This page details the Strata CSV format for loading Swaps. See the overview page for details of other assets classes.

Trade loader file format

The trades file is a CSV-formatted file. The columns may be specified in any order. The CSV format is flexible, and the input can specify trades in various ways.

Swaps can be specified using two different column sets - by convention and by full details. The two column sets can be mixed in the same file. In addition, a single file can contain other asset classes, such as FRAs or FX. Just add the union of the column headers and fill in the necessary data on a row by row basis.


This example file specifies a Swap trade by convention.

Strata Trade Type, Id Scheme, Id,     Trade Date, Convention,            Buy Sell, Period To Start, Tenor, Notional, Fixed Rate
Swap,              OG,        123411, 2017-06-01, GBP-FIXED-1Y-LIBOR-3M, Buy,      P1M,             P5Y,   2000000,  0.4

Note that Microsoft Excel prefers the CSV file to have no spaces after the comma.

Swap by convention

These columns are used when loading a Swap trade by convention. See also the overview page for additional optional columns that can be used to specify the identifier and counterparty.

Column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Strata Trade Type Mandatory Swap The type of the trade, case insensitive
Start Date Conditional 2017-06-01 (formats) The unadjusted start date
End Date Conditional 2022-06-01 (formats) The unadjusted end date
Period To Start Conditional 2M (formats) The period from the trade date to the trade start date
Tenor Conditional 5Y (formats) The period from the start date to the end date
Convention Mandatory GBP-FIXED-1Y-LIBOR-3M The Swap convention name
Buy Sell Mandatory Buy (values) Whether the Swap is buy or sell
Notional Mandatory 1000000 The notional amount, currency defined by the convention
Fixed Rate Mandatory 1.2 The fixed rate, as a percentage, such as 1.2 for 1.2%
FX Rate Conditional 1.364 The FX rate, mandatory for cross-currency swaps
Roll Convention Optional Day1 (values) The roll convention
Stub Convention Optional ShortInitial (values) The stub convention
First Regular Start Date Optional 2017-09-01 (formats) The unadjusted start date of the first regular accrual period
Last Regular End Date Optional 2022-03-01 (formats) The unadjusted end date of the last regular accrual period
Date Convention Optional ModifiedFollowing (values) The business day convention
Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The holiday calendar to use

Valid combinations of conditional fields are as follows (other combinations are not allowed):

  • Start Date and End Date
  • Start Date and Tenor
  • Trade Date, Period To Start and Tenor

Swap by full details

These columns are used when loading a Swap trade by full details. See also the overview page for additional optional columns that can be used to specify the identifier and counterparty.

Column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Strata Trade Type Mandatory Swap The type of the trade, case insensitive

A swap is primarily defined by its legs. The leg columns are of the form “Leg n xxx” where “n” is the leg number starting at 1 and “xxx” is the leg column name.

Leg column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Leg 1 Direction Mandatory Pay (values) The direction of the leg
Leg 1 Start Date Fallback 2017-06-01 (formats) The unadjusted start date
Leg 1 End Date Fallback 2022-06-01 (formats) The unadjusted end date
Leg 1 Frequency Mandatory 3M (formats) The accrual frequency
Leg 1 Date Convention Optional ModifiedFollowing (values) The accrual business day convention
Leg 1 Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The accrual holiday calendar to use
Leg 1 Start Date Convention Optional ModifiedFollowing (values) The start date business day convention
Leg 1 Start Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The start date holiday calendar
Leg 1 End Date Convention Optional ModifiedFollowing (values) The end date business day convention
Leg 1 End Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The end date holiday calendar
Leg 1 Roll Convention Optional Day1 (values) The roll convention
Leg 1 Stub Convention Optional ShortInitial (values) The stub convention, defaults to “SmartInitial”
Leg 1 First Regular Start Date Optional 2017-09-01 (formats) The unadjusted start date of the first regular accrual period
Leg 1 Last Regular End Date Optional 2022-03-01 (formats) The unadjusted end date of the last regular accrual period
Leg 1 Override Start Date Optional 2017-03-01 (formats) The unadjusted start date override
Leg 1 Override Start Date Convention Optional ModifiedFollowing (values) The start date override business day convention
Leg 1 Override Start Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The start date override holiday calendar
Leg 1 Payment Frequency Optional 3M (formats) The payment frequency, defaults to the accrual frequency
Leg 1 Payment Relative To Optional PeriodEnd The date that payments are relative to, defaults to “PeriodEnd”
Leg 1 Compounding Method Optional Flat (values) The compounding method, defaults to “None”
Leg 1 Payment Offset Days Optional 2 The payment offset in days, defaults to no offset
Leg 1 Payment Offset Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The payment offset calendar, defaults to “NoHolidays”
Leg 1 Payment Offset Adjustment Convention Optional Following (values) The payment offset adjustment business day convention
Leg 1 Payment Offset Adjustment Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The payment offset adjustment holiday calendar
Leg 1 Currency Fallback GBP (values) The payment currency
Leg 1 Notional Fallback 1000000 The notional amount, in the notional currency
Leg 1 Notional Currency Optional USD (values) The currency of the notional, defaults to the payment currency
Leg 1 FX Reset Index Optional GBP/USD-WM (values) The FX index used if the swap is FX Reset
Leg 1 FX Reset Initial Notional Optional 1200000 The first fixed FX reset notional
Leg 1 FX Reset Relative To Optional PeriodStart The date that the FX reset is relative to, defaults to “PeriodStart”
Leg 1 FX Reset Offset Days Optional 2 The FX reset offset in days, defaults to no offset
Leg 1 FX Reset Offset Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The FX reset offset calendar, defaults to “NoHolidays”
Leg 1 FX Reset Offset Adjustment Convention Optional Following (values) The FX reset offset adjustment business day convention
Leg 1 FX Reset Offset Adjustment Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The FX reset offset adjustment holiday calendar
Leg 1 Notional Initial Exchange Optional true Whether there is an initial exchange of notionals
Leg 1 Notional Intermediate Exchange Optional true Whether there is an intermediate exchange of notionals
Leg 1 Notional Final Exchange Optional true Whether there is an final exchange of notionals

The columns marked as “Fallback” can be set in two ways. The code will first look for a column named “Leg 1 Start Date”, then for a column named “Start Date”. This allows the start date, end date, currency and notional to be set once if they are the same on both legs.

Fixed rate legs:

Leg column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Leg 1 Fixed Rate Mandatory 1.2 The fixed rate, as a percentage, such as 1.2 for 1.2%
Leg 1 Day Count Recommended Act/360 (values) The day count convention, defaults from floating leg index
Leg 1 Future Value Notional Optional 123456 The future value notional as used in BRL swaps
Leg 1 Initial Stub Rate Optional 2.1 The fixed rate of the initial stub, such as 2.1 for 2.1%
Leg 1 Initial Stub Amount Currency Optional GBP (values) The currency of the initial stub
Leg 1 Initial Stub Amount Optional 45000 The amount of the initial stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Rate Optional 2.1 The fixed rate of the final stub, such as 2.1 for 2.1%
Leg 1 Final Stub Amount Currency Optional GBP (values) The currency of the final stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Amount Optional 45000 The amount of the final stub

Overnight rate legs:

Leg column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Leg 1 Index Mandatory GBP-SONIA (values) The Overnight index
Leg 1 Day Count Optional Act/360 (values) The day count convention, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Accrual Method Optional Compounded (values) The accrual method, defaults to “Compounded”
Leg 1 Rate Cut Off Days Optional 2 The number of days before the end of the period that the rate is locked down
Leg 1 Negative Rate Method Optional AllowNegative (values) The negative rate method, defaults to “AllowNegative”
Leg 1 Gearing Optional 1.5 The gearing multiplier
Leg 1 Spread Optional 0.1 The spread rate, as a percentage, such as 0.1 for 0.1%

Ibor rate legs:

Leg column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Leg 1 Index Mandatory GBP-LIBOR-3M (values) The Ibor index
Leg 1 Day Count Optional Act/360 (values) The day count convention, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Fixing Relative To Optional PeriodStart The date that fixings are relative to, defaults to “PeriodStart”
Leg 1 Fixing Offset Days Optional 2 The fixing offset in days, defaults to no offset, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Fixing Offset Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The fixing offset calendar, defaults to “NoHolidays”, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Fixing Offset Adjustment Convention Optional Following (values) The payment fixing adjustment business day convention, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Fixing Offset Adjustment Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The payment fixing adjustment holiday calendar, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Reset Frequency Optional 1M (formats) The reset frequency, only used if more frequent than the accrual frequency
Leg 1 Reset Date Convention Optional Following (values) The reset date business day convention
Leg 1 Reset Date Calendar Optional GBLO (values) The reset date holiday calendar
Leg 1 Reset Method Optional Weighted (values) The reset method, defaults to “Weighted”
Leg 1 First Rate Optional 1.1 The first interest rate, as a percentage, such as 1.1 for 1.1%
Leg 1 Negative Rate Method Optional AllowNegative (values) The negative rate method, defaults to “AllowNegative”
Leg 1 Gearing Optional 1.5 The gearing multiplier
Leg 1 Spread Optional 0.1 The spread rate, as a percentage, such as 0.1 for 0.1%
Leg 1 Initial Stub Rate Optional 2.1 The fixed rate of the initial stub, such as 2.1 for 2.1%
Leg 1 Initial Stub Amount Currency Optional GBP (values) The currency of the initial stub
Leg 1 Initial Stub Amount Optional 45000 The amount of the initial stub
Leg 1 Initial Stub Index Optional GBP-LIBOR-1M (values) The index to use for the initial stub
Leg 1 Initial Stub Interpolated Index Optional GBP-LIBOR-3M (values) The index to use for interpolation in the initial stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Rate Optional 2.1 The fixed rate of the final stub, such as 2.1 for 2.1%
Leg 1 Final Stub Amount Currency Optional GBP (values) The currency of the final stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Amount Optional 45000 The amount of the final stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Index Optional GBP-LIBOR-1M (values) The index to use for the final stub
Leg 1 Final Stub Interpolated Index Optional GBP-LIBOR-3M (values) The index to use for interpolation in the final stub

Inflation rate legs:

Leg column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Leg 1 Index Mandatory GB-RPI (values) The Price index
Leg 1 Inflation Lag Optional 3M (formats) The lag used when reading the price index, defaults from the index
Leg 1 Inflation Method Optional Interpolated (values) The method to use, defaults from the currency
Leg 1 Inflation First Index Value Optional 154.3 The value of the price index at the start of the swap
Leg 1 Gearing Optional 1.5 The gearing multiplier

Variable notional/rate

Both formats of swap (convention and full details) support variable notionals and variable fixed rates. The information is contained in one or more rows that follow the base swap row. The additional rows only need to contain the minimal information for the variable element.

Column name Mandatory? Example/Format Description
Strata Trade Type Mandatory Variable The type of the trade
Start Date Mandatory 2018-06-01 (formats) The unadjusted date when the variable element changes
Notional Optional 1500000 The notional amount that applies from the start date onwards for all legs
Leg 1 Notional Optional 1500000 As above, but only for a specific leg
Fixed Rate Optional 1.2 The fixed rate, as a percentage, that applies from the start date onwards for all legs
Leg 1 Fixed Rate Optional 1.2 As above, but only for a specific leg

It is permitted to define a row with neither notional nor fixed rate specified, but such a row would simply be ignored. For most swaps there is no need to use the leg-specific column names.

This example file has both variable notional and fixed rate:

Strata Trade Type, Id Scheme, Id,     Trade Date, Convention,            Buy Sell, Start Date, Tenor, Fixed Rate, Notional
Swap,              OG,        123411, 2017-06-01, GBP-FIXED-1Y-LIBOR-3M, Buy,      2017-06-01  P5Y,   0.4,        2000000
Variable,          ,          ,       ,           ,                      ,         2018-06-01, ,      ,           1600000
Variable,          ,          ,       ,           ,                      ,         2019-06-01, ,      ,           1200000
Variable,          ,          ,       ,           ,                      ,         2020-06-01, ,      0.6,         800000
Variable,          ,          ,       ,           ,                      ,         2021-06-01, ,      ,            400000