static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.concat(MapStream<? extends K,? extends V> a,
MapStream<? extends K,? extends V> b) |
Creates a stream of map entries whose elements are those of the first stream followed by those of the second
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.distinct() |
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.empty() |
Returns an empty map stream.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.filter(BiPredicate<? super K,? super V> predicate) |
Filters the stream by applying the predicate function to each key and value.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.filter(Predicate<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> predicate) |
<R> MapStream<R,V> |
MapStream.filterKeys(Class<R> castToClass) |
Filters the stream checking the type of each key.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.filterKeys(Predicate<? super K> predicate) |
Filters the stream by applying the predicate function to each key.
<R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.filterValues(Class<R> castToClass) |
Filters the stream checking the type of each value.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.filterValues(Predicate<? super V> predicate) |
Filters the stream by applying the predicate function to each value.
<R> MapStream<R,V> |
MapStream.flatMapKeys(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,Stream<R>> mapper) |
Transforms the keys in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key and value.
<R> MapStream<R,V> |
MapStream.flatMapKeys(Function<? super K,Stream<R>> mapper) |
Transforms the keys in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key.
<R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.flatMapValues(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,Stream<R>> mapper) |
Transforms the values in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key and value.
<R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.flatMapValues(Function<? super V,Stream<R>> mapper) |
Transforms the values in the stream by applying a mapper function to each value.
MapStream<K,List<V>> |
MapStream.groupingAndThen() |
Returns a stream built from a map of the entries in the stream, grouped by key.
<A,R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.groupingAndThen(Collector<? super V,A,R> valueCollector) |
Returns a stream built from a map of the entries in the stream, grouped by key.
MapStream<V,K> |
MapStream.inverse() |
Returns a stream where the keys and values are swapped.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.limit(long maxSize) |
<RK,RV> MapStream<RK,RV> |
MapStream.mapBoth(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,Map.Entry<RK,RV>> mapper) |
Transforms the entries in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key and value.
<R> MapStream<R,V> |
MapStream.mapKeys(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends R> mapper) |
Transforms the keys in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key and value.
<R> MapStream<R,V> |
MapStream.mapKeys(Function<? super K,? extends R> mapper) |
Transforms the keys in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key.
<R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.mapValues(BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends R> mapper) |
Transforms the values in the stream by applying a mapper function to each key and value.
<R> MapStream<K,R> |
MapStream.mapValues(Function<? super V,? extends R> mapper) |
Transforms the values in the stream by applying a mapper function to each value.
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Multimap<K,V> multimap) |
Returns a stream over all the entries in the multimap.
static <T,K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Collection<T> collection,
Function<? super T,? extends K> keyFunction,
Function<? super T,? extends V> valueFunction) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the keys and values are extracted from a
collection by applying a function to each item in the collection.
static <V> MapStream<V,V> |
MapStream.of(Collection<V> collection) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the keys and values are taken from a collection.
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Collection<V> collection,
Function<? super V,? extends K> keyFunction) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the values are taken from a collection
and the keys are created by applying a function to each value.
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Map<K,V> map) |
Returns a stream over the entries in the map.
static <T,K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Stream<T> stream,
Function<? super T,? extends K> keyFunction,
Function<? super T,? extends V> valueFunction) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the keys and values are extracted from a
stream by applying a function to each item in the stream.
static <V> MapStream<V,V> |
MapStream.of(Stream<V> stream) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the keys and values are taken from a stream.
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.of(Stream<V> stream,
Function<? super V,? extends K> keyFunction) |
Returns a stream of map entries where the values are taken from a stream
and the keys are created by applying a function to each value.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.onClose(Runnable closeHandler) |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.parallel() |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.peek(Consumer<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> action) |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sequential() |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.skip(long n) |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sorted() |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sorted(Comparator<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> comparator) |
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sortedKeys() |
Sorts the entries in the stream by comparing the keys using their natural ordering.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sortedKeys(Comparator<? super K> comparator) |
Sorts the entries in the stream by comparing the keys using the supplied comparator.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sortedValues() |
Sorts the entries in the stream by comparing the values using their natural ordering.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.sortedValues(Comparator<? super V> comparator) |
Sorts the entries in the stream by comparing the values using the supplied comparator.
MapStream<K,V> |
MapStream.unordered() |
static <K,V> MapStream<K,V> |<K> keyStream,
Stream<V> valueStream) |
Returns a map stream that combines two other streams, continuing until either stream ends.
static <V> MapStream<Integer,V> |
MapStream.zipWithIndex(Stream<V> stream) |
Returns a stream of map entries where each key is the index of the value in the original stream.