Class SwapTradeCalculations

  • public class SwapTradeCalculations
    extends Object
    Calculates pricing and risk measures for swap trades.

    This provides a high-level entry point for swap pricing and risk measures.

    Each method takes a ResolvedSwapTrade, whereas application code will typically work with SwapTrade. Call SwapTrade::resolve(ReferenceData) to convert SwapTrade to ResolvedSwapTrade.

    • Method Detail

      • presentValue

        public MultiCurrencyAmount presentValue​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates present value for a single set of market data.
        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value
      • explainPresentValue

        public ScenarioArray<ExplainMap> explainPresentValue​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                             RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                             ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Explains the present value calculation across one or more scenarios.

        This provides a breakdown of how present value was calculated, typically used for debugging and validation.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value explanation, one entry per scenario
      • explainPresentValue

        public ExplainMap explainPresentValue​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                              RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Explains the present value calculation for a single set of market data.

        This provides a breakdown of how present value was calculated, typically used for debugging and validation.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value explanation
      • pv01CalibratedSum

        public MultiCurrencyScenarioArray pv01CalibratedSum​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                            RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                            ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates present value sensitivity across one or more scenarios.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the calibrated curves. The result is the sum of the sensitivities of all affected curves.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value sensitivity, one entry per scenario
      • pv01CalibratedSum

        public MultiCurrencyAmount pv01CalibratedSum​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                     RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates present value sensitivity for a single set of market data.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the calibrated curves. The result is the sum of the sensitivities of all affected curves.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value sensitivity
      • pv01CalibratedBucketed

        public ScenarioArray<CurrencyParameterSensitivities> pv01CalibratedBucketed​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                                                    RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                                                    ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates present value sensitivity across one or more scenarios.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the calibrated curves. The result is provided for each affected curve and currency, bucketed by curve node.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value sensitivity, one entry per scenario
      • pv01CalibratedBucketed

        public CurrencyParameterSensitivities pv01CalibratedBucketed​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                                     RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates present value sensitivity for a single set of market data.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the calibrated curves. The result is provided for each affected curve and currency, bucketed by curve node.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value sensitivity
      • pv01MarketQuoteSum

        public MultiCurrencyScenarioArray pv01MarketQuoteSum​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                             RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                             ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates present value sensitivity across one or more scenarios.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the market quotes used to calibrate the curves. The result is the sum of the sensitivities of all affected curves.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value sensitivity, one entry per scenario
      • pv01MarketQuoteSum

        public MultiCurrencyAmount pv01MarketQuoteSum​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                      RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates present value sensitivity for a single set of market data.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the market quotes used to calibrate the curves. The result is the sum of the sensitivities of all affected curves.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value sensitivity
      • pv01MarketQuoteBucketed

        public ScenarioArray<CurrencyParameterSensitivities> pv01MarketQuoteBucketed​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                                                     RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                                                     ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates present value sensitivity across one or more scenarios.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the market quotes used to calibrate the curves. The result is provided for each affected curve and currency, bucketed by curve node.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value sensitivity, one entry per scenario
      • pv01MarketQuoteBucketed

        public CurrencyParameterSensitivities pv01MarketQuoteBucketed​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                                      RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates present value sensitivity for a single set of market data.

        This is the sensitivity of present value to a one basis point shift in the market quotes used to calibrate the curves. The result is provided for each affected curve and currency, bucketed by curve node.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value sensitivity
      • parRate

        public double parRate​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                              RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates par rate for a single set of market data.
        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the par rate
      • parSpread

        public double parSpread​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates par spread for a single set of market data.
        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the par spread
      • cashFlows

        public ScenarioArray<CashFlows> cashFlows​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                  RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                  ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates cash flows across one or more scenarios.

        The cash flows provide details about the payments of the trade.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the cash flows, one entry per scenario
      • cashFlows

        public CashFlows cashFlows​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                   RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates cash flows for a single set of market data.

        The cash flows provide details about the payments of the trade.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the cash flows
      • accruedInterest

        public MultiCurrencyScenarioArray accruedInterest​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                          RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                          ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates accrued interest across one or more scenarios.

        The accrued interest since the last payment.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the accrued interest, one entry per scenario
      • accruedInterest

        public MultiCurrencyAmount accruedInterest​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                   RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates accrued interest for a single set of market data.

        The accrued interest since the last payment.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the accrued interest
      • legInitialNotional

        public LegAmounts legInitialNotional​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade)
        Calculates the initial notional of each leg.

        This does not require market data.

        trade - the trade
        the initial notional of each leg
      • legPresentValue

        public ScenarioArray<LegAmounts> legPresentValue​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                         RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                         ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates the present value of each leg across one or more scenarios.
        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the present value of each leg, one entry per scenario
      • legPresentValue

        public LegAmounts legPresentValue​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                          RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates the present value of each leg for a single set of market data.
        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the present value of each leg
      • currencyExposure

        public MultiCurrencyScenarioArray currencyExposure​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                           RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                           ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates currency exposure across one or more scenarios.

        The currency risk, expressed as the equivalent amount in each currency.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the currency exposure, one entry per scenario
      • currencyExposure

        public MultiCurrencyAmount currencyExposure​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                    RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates currency exposure for a single set of market data.

        The currency risk, expressed as the equivalent amount in each currency.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the currency exposure
      • currentCash

        public MultiCurrencyScenarioArray currentCash​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                                      RatesMarketDataLookup lookup,
                                                      ScenarioMarketData marketData)
        Calculates current cash across one or more scenarios.

        The sum of all cash flows paid on the valuation date.

        trade - the trade
        lookup - the lookup used to query the market data
        marketData - the market data
        the current cash, one entry per scenario
      • currentCash

        public MultiCurrencyAmount currentCash​(ResolvedSwapTrade trade,
                                               RatesProvider ratesProvider)
        Calculates current cash for a single set of market data.

        The sum of all cash flows paid on the valuation date.

        trade - the trade
        ratesProvider - the market data
        the current cash