Class BondYieldSensitivity

    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static BondYieldSensitivity of​(BondVolatilitiesName volatilitiesName,
                                              double expiry,
                                              double duration,
                                              double strike,
                                              double forward,
                                              Currency sensitivityCurrency,
                                              double sensitivity)
        Obtains an instance from the specified elements.
        volatilitiesName - the name of the volatilities
        expiry - the time to expiry of the option as a year fraction
        duration - the underlying bond duration
        strike - the bond strike yield
        forward - the underlying bond forward yield
        sensitivityCurrency - the currency of the sensitivity
        sensitivity - the value of the sensitivity
        the point sensitivity object
      • withSensitivity

        public BondYieldSensitivity withSensitivity​(double value)
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivity
        Returns an instance with the new point sensitivity value.
        Specified by:
        withSensitivity in interface PointSensitivity
        value - the new sensitivity
        an instance based on this sensitivity with the specified sensitivity
      • compareKey

        public int compareKey​(PointSensitivity other)
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivity
        Compares the key of two sensitivities, excluding the point sensitivity value.

        If the other point sensitivity is of a different type, the comparison is based solely on the simple class name. If the point sensitivity is of the same type, the comparison must check the key, then the currency, then the date, then any other state.

        The comparison by simple class name ensures that all instances of the same type are ordered together.

        Specified by:
        compareKey in interface PointSensitivity
        other - the other sensitivity
        positive if greater, zero if equal, negative if less
      • convertedTo

        public BondYieldSensitivity convertedTo​(Currency resultCurrency,
                                                FxRateProvider rateProvider)
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivity
        Converts this instance to an equivalent amount in the specified currency.

        The result will be expressed in terms of the given currency. Any FX conversion that is required will use rates from the provider.

        Specified by:
        convertedTo in interface FxConvertible<PointSensitivity>
        Specified by:
        convertedTo in interface PointSensitivity
        resultCurrency - the currency of the result
        rateProvider - the provider of FX rates
        the converted instance, which should be expressed in the specified currency
      • multipliedBy

        public BondYieldSensitivity multipliedBy​(double factor)
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivityBuilder
        Multiplies the sensitivities in this builder by the specified factor.

        The result will consist of the same points, but with each sensitivity multiplied.

        Builders may be mutable. Once this method is called, this instance must not be used. Instead, the result of the method must be used.

        Specified by:
        multipliedBy in interface PointSensitivityBuilder
        factor - the multiplicative factor
        the resulting builder, replacing this builder
      • mapSensitivity

        public BondYieldSensitivity mapSensitivity​(DoubleUnaryOperator operator)
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivityBuilder
        Returns an instance with the specified operation applied to the sensitivities in this builder.

        The result will consist of the same points, but with the operator applied to each sensitivity.

        This is used to apply a mathematical operation to the sensitivities. For example, the operator could multiply the sensitivities by a constant, or take the inverse.

           inverse = base.mapSensitivities(value -> 1 / value);

        Builders may be mutable. Once this method is called, this instance must not be used. Instead, the result of the method must be used.

        Specified by:
        mapSensitivity in interface PointSensitivityBuilder
        operator - the operator to be applied to the sensitivities
        the resulting builder, replacing this builder
      • normalize

        public BondYieldSensitivity normalize()
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivityBuilder
        Normalizes the point sensitivities by sorting and merging.

        The sensitivities in the builder are sorted and then merged. Any two entries that represent the same curve query are merged. For example, if there are two point sensitivities that were created based on the same curve, currency and fixing date, then the entries are combined, summing the sensitivity value.

        Builders may be mutable. Once this method is called, this instance must not be used. Instead, the result of the method must be used.

        Specified by:
        normalize in interface PointSensitivityBuilder
        the resulting builder, replacing this builder
      • cloned

        public BondYieldSensitivity cloned()
        Description copied from interface: PointSensitivityBuilder
        Clones the point sensitivity builder.

        This returns a PointSensitivityBuilder instance that is independent from the original. Immutable implementations may return themselves.

        Builders may be mutable. Using this method allows a copy of the original to be obtained, so both the original and the clone can be used.

        Specified by:
        cloned in interface PointSensitivityBuilder
        the built combined sensitivity
      • meta

        public static BondYieldSensitivity.Meta meta()
        The meta-bean for BondYieldSensitivity.
        the meta-bean, not null
      • getVolatilitiesName

        public BondVolatilitiesName getVolatilitiesName()
        Gets the name of the volatilities.
        the value of the property, not null
      • getExpiry

        public double getExpiry()
        Gets the time to expiry of the option as a year fraction.
        the value of the property, not null
      • getDuration

        public double getDuration()
        Gets the underlying duration.
        the value of the property
      • getStrike

        public double getStrike()
        Gets the strike yield.
        the value of the property
      • getForward

        public double getForward()
        Gets the underlying bond forward yield.
        the value of the property
      • getCurrency

        public Currency getCurrency()
        Gets the currency of the sensitivity.
        Specified by:
        getCurrency in interface PointSensitivity
        the value of the property, not null
      • getSensitivity

        public double getSensitivity()
        Gets the value of the sensitivity.
        Specified by:
        getSensitivity in interface PointSensitivity
        the value of the property
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object