Class VerticalSpreadVolatilityIborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer

  • public class VerticalSpreadVolatilityIborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer
    extends Object
    Pricer for binary caplet/floorlet based on volatilities.

    The pricing methodologies is based on 'call spread' approach.

    The value of the caplet/floorlet after expiry is a fixed payoff amount. The value is zero if valuation date is after payment date of the caplet/floorlet.

    • Constructor Detail

      • VerticalSpreadVolatilityIborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer

        public VerticalSpreadVolatilityIborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer​(VolatilityIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer capletPricer,
                                                                            double spread)
        Creates an instance.
        capletPricer - the pricer for IborCapletFloorletPeriod
        spread - the spread between the approximating options strikes
    • Method Detail

      • presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike

        public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike​(IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod period,
                                                                                RatesProvider ratesProvider,
                                                                                IborCapletFloorletVolatilities volatilities)
        Calculates the present value rates sensitivity of the binary caplet/floorlet period.

        The present value rates sensitivity of the caplet/floorlet is the sensitivity of the present value to the underlying curves.

        period - the Ibor caplet/floorlet period
        ratesProvider - the rates provider
        volatilities - the volatilities
        the present value curve sensitivity
      • presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility

        public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility​(IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod period,
                                                                                    RatesProvider ratesProvider,
                                                                                    IborCapletFloorletVolatilities volatilities)
        Calculates the present value sensitivity to model parameters of the binary caplet/floorlet period.

        The present value rates sensitivity of the caplet/floorlet is the sensitivity of the present value to the underlying curves.

        period - the Ibor caplet/floorlet period
        ratesProvider - the rates provider
        volatilities - the volatilities
        the present value curve sensitivity