ApproxForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is arithmetically averaged.
DispatchingRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation using multiple dispatch.
ForwardIborAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on the average of multiple fixings of a
single Ibor floating rate index.
ForwardIborInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of the fixing
on a single date of two Ibor indices.
ForwardIborRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for an Ibor index.
ForwardInflationEndInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of fixings
of a single price index.
ForwardInflationEndMonthRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a price index.
ForwardInflationInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of fixings
of a single price index.
ForwardInflationMonthlyRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a price index.
ForwardOvernightAveragedDailyRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for an averaged daily rate for a single Overnight index.
ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is arithmetically averaged.
ForwardOvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is compounded using an annual rate.
ForwardOvernightCompoundedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is compounded.