Class BlackFixedCouponBondOptionPricer

  • public class BlackFixedCouponBondOptionPricer
    extends Object
    Pricer for fixed coupon bond options based on Black formula for the (dirty) bond price.

    The volatilities are stored in a (normalized) BondYieldVolatilities. They are stored as bond yield equivalent volatilities and are converted to bond price volatilities through the formula "price volatility = duration * yield volatility".

    • Method Detail

      • presentValue

        public CurrencyAmount presentValue​(ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption bondOption,
                                           LegalEntityDiscountingProvider legalEntityProvider,
                                           BondYieldVolatilities volatilities)
        Calculates the present value of the bond option.

        The volatilities are stored as yield volatilities. They are converted to bond volatilities using the approximated formula "price volatility = duration * yield volatility".

        bondOption - the bond option
        legalEntityProvider - the provider to value the bond
        volatilities - the volatilities
        the present value
      • presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike

        public PointSensitivities presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike​(ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption bondOption,
                                                                           LegalEntityDiscountingProvider legalEntityProvider,
                                                                           BondYieldVolatilities volatilities)
        Returns the present value sensitivity to the underlying curves.

        The sensitivity is computed with "sticky strike" volatility, i.e. the volatility used in the Black formula is not impacted by the curve-implied change in moneyness.

        The volatilities are stored as yield volatilities. They are converted to bond volatilities using the approximated formula "price volatility = duration * yield volatility".

        bondOption - the bond option
        legalEntityProvider - the provider to value the bond
        volatilities - the volatilities
        the present value sensitivity to rates
      • presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility

        public BondYieldSensitivity presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility​(ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption bondOption,
                                                                                 LegalEntityDiscountingProvider legalEntityProvider,
                                                                                 BondYieldVolatilities volatilities)
        Returns the present value sensitivity to the underlying yield volatilities.

        The sensitivity is to the underlying yield volatilities, before they are transformed to bond price volatilities as described below.

        The volatilities are stored as yield volatilities. They are converted to bond volatilities using the approximated formula "price volatility = duration * yield volatility".

        bondOption - the bond option
        legalEntityProvider - the provider to value the bond
        volatilities - the volatilities
        the present value sensitivity to the yield volatility parameters