DiscreteQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
ExcelInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
ExponentiallyWeightedInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile and expected shortfall estimator for series with exponentially weighted probabilities.
GeometricMeanCalculator |
Calculates the geometric mean of a series of data.
IndexAboveQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
InterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
LognormalFisherKurtosisFromVolatilityCalculator |
LognormalSkewnessFromVolatilityCalculator |
MeanCalculator |
Calculates the arithmetic mean of a series of data.
MedianCalculator |
Calculates the median of a series of data.
MidwayInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
ModeCalculator |
The mode of a series of data is the value that occurs more frequently in the data set.
NearestIndexQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
PercentileCalculator |
For a series of data $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n$, the percentile is the value $x$
below which a certain percentage of the data fall.
PopulationStandardDeviationCalculator |
Calculates the population standard deviation of a series of data.
PopulationVarianceCalculator |
Calculates the population variance of a series of data.
QuantileCalculationMethod |
Abstract method to estimate quantiles and expected shortfalls from sample observations.
QuantileResult |
QuantileResult.Meta |
The meta-bean for QuantileResult .
SampleFisherKurtosisCalculator |
The sample Fisher kurtosis gives a measure of how heavy the tails of a distribution are
with respect to the normal distribution (which has a Fisher kurtosis of zero).
SampleInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SamplePlusOneInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SamplePlusOneNearestIndexQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SampleSkewnessCalculator |
The sample skewness gives a measure of the asymmetry of the probability
distribution of a variable.
SampleStandardDeviationCalculator |
Calculates the sample standard deviation of a series of data.
SampleVarianceCalculator |
Calculates the sample variance of a series of data.