Interface FixedInflationSwapConvention

    • Method Detail

      • extendedEnum

        static ExtendedEnum<FixedInflationSwapConvention> extendedEnum()
        Gets the extended enum helper.

        This helper allows instances of the convention to be looked up. It also provides the complete set of available instances.

        the extended enum helper
      • getFixedLeg

        FixedRateSwapLegConvention getFixedLeg()
        Gets the market convention of the fixed leg.
        the fixed leg convention
      • getFloatingLeg

        InflationRateSwapLegConvention getFloatingLeg()
        Gets the market convention of the floating leg.
        the floating leg convention
      • createTrade

        default SwapTrade createTrade​(LocalDate tradeDate,
                                      Tenor tenor,
                                      BuySell buySell,
                                      double notional,
                                      double fixedRate,
                                      ReferenceData refData)
        Creates a forward-starting trade based on this convention.

        This returns a trade based on the specified tenor. For example, a tenor of 5 years creates a swap starting on the spot date and maturing 5 years later.

        The notional is unsigned, with buy/sell determining the direction of the trade. If buying the swap, the floating rate is received from the counterparty, with the fixed rate being paid. If selling the swap, the floating rate is paid to the counterparty, with the fixed rate being received.

        Specified by:
        createTrade in interface SingleCurrencySwapConvention
        tradeDate - the date of the trade
        tenor - the tenor of the trade
        buySell - the buy/sell flag
        notional - the notional amount
        fixedRate - the fixed rate, typically derived from the market
        refData - the reference data, used to resolve the trade dates
        the trade
        ReferenceDataNotFoundException - if an identifier cannot be resolved in the reference data
      • createTrade

        default SwapTrade createTrade​(LocalDate tradeDate,
                                      Period periodToStart,
                                      Tenor tenor,
                                      BuySell buySell,
                                      double notional,
                                      double fixedRate,
                                      ReferenceData refData)
        Creates a forward-starting trade based on this convention.

        This returns a trade based on the specified period and tenor. For example, a period of 3 months and a tenor of 5 years creates a swap starting three months after the spot date and maturing 5 years later.

        The notional is unsigned, with buy/sell determining the direction of the trade. If buying the swap, the floating rate is received from the counterparty, with the fixed rate being paid. If selling the swap, the floating rate is paid to the counterparty, with the fixed rate being received.

        Specified by:
        createTrade in interface SingleCurrencySwapConvention
        tradeDate - the date of the trade
        periodToStart - the period between the spot date and the start date
        tenor - the tenor of the trade
        buySell - the buy/sell flag
        notional - the notional amount
        fixedRate - the fixed rate, typically derived from the market
        refData - the reference data, used to resolve the trade dates
        the trade
        ReferenceDataNotFoundException - if an identifier cannot be resolved in the reference data
      • toTrade

        default SwapTrade toTrade​(LocalDate tradeDate,
                                  LocalDate startDate,
                                  LocalDate endDate,
                                  BuySell buySell,
                                  double notional,
                                  double fixedRate)
        Creates a trade based on this convention.

        This returns a trade based on the specified dates.

        The notional is unsigned, with buy/sell determining the direction of the trade. If buying the swap, the floating rate is received from the counterparty, with the fixed rate being paid. If selling the swap, the floating rate is paid to the counterparty, with the fixed rate being received.

        Specified by:
        toTrade in interface SingleCurrencySwapConvention
        tradeDate - the date of the trade
        startDate - the start date
        endDate - the end date
        buySell - the buy/sell flag
        notional - the notional amount
        fixedRate - the fixed rate, typically derived from the market
        the trade
      • toTrade

        SwapTrade toTrade​(TradeInfo tradeInfo,
                          LocalDate startDate,
                          LocalDate endDate,
                          BuySell buySell,
                          double notional,
                          double fixedRate)
        Creates a trade based on this convention.

        This returns a trade based on the specified dates.

        The notional is unsigned, with buy/sell determining the direction of the trade. If buying the swap, the floating rate is received from the counterparty, with the fixed rate being paid. If selling the swap, the floating rate is paid to the counterparty, with the fixed rate being received.

        Specified by:
        toTrade in interface SingleCurrencySwapConvention
        tradeInfo - additional information about the trade
        startDate - the start date
        endDate - the end date
        buySell - the buy/sell flag
        notional - the notional amount
        fixedRate - the fixed rate, typically derived from the market
        the trade