All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBoundCurveInterpolator |
Abstract interpolator implementation.
AbstractDerivedCalculationFunction<T extends CalculationTarget,R> |
Abstract derived calculation function with fields for the target type, measure and required measures.
AccrualOnDefaultFormula |
The formula for accrual on default.
AccrualStart |
The accrual start for credit default swaps.
AdaptiveCompositeIntegrator1D |
Adaptive composite integrator: step size is set to be small if functional variation of integrand is large
The integrator in individual intervals (base integrator) should be specified by constructor.
AddFixedCurve |
A curve formed from two curves, the fixed curve and the spread curve.
AddFixedCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for AddFixedCurve .
AdjustableDate |
An adjustable date.
AdjustableDate.Meta |
The meta-bean for AdjustableDate .
AdjustableDates |
An adjustable list of dates.
AdjustableDates.Meta |
The meta-bean for AdjustableDates .
AdjustablePayment |
A single payment of a known amount on a date, with business day adjustment rules.
AdjustablePayment.Meta |
The meta-bean for AdjustablePayment .
AdvancedMeasures |
The advanced set of measures which can be calculated by Strata.
AggregatingCalculationListener<T> |
Superclass for mutable calculation listeners that collect the results of individual calculations and
create a single aggregate result when the calculations are complete.
AnalyticSpreadSensitivityCalculator |
Analytic spread sensitivity calculator.
ApproxForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is arithmetically averaged.
ArbitrageHandling |
The formula for accrual on default.
ArgChecker |
Contains utility methods for checking inputs to methods.
ArrayByteSource |
A byte source implementation that explicitly wraps a byte array.
AsciiTable |
An ASCII table generator.
AsciiTableAlignment |
Alignment of the data within an ASCII table.
Attributes |
Additional attributes that can be associated with a model object.
AttributeType<T> |
The type that provides meaning to an attribute.
Barrier |
Definition of barrier event of option instruments.
BarrierType |
The barrier type of barrier event.
BaseNewtonVectorRootFinder |
Base implementation for all Newton-Raphson style multi-dimensional root finding
BaseProvider |
A provider of data used for pricing.
BasisFunctionAggregation<T> |
BasisFunctionGenerator |
Generator for a set of basis functions.
BasisFunctionKnots |
Helper class to hold the knots and polynomial degree that specify a set of basis functions.
BasisPoints |
A percentage amount, with a maximum of 8 decimal places.
BeanByteSource |
A byte source implementation that is also a Joda-Bean.
BeanCharSource |
A char source implementation that is also a Joda-Bean.
BeanTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a bean to produce another object.
Bessel |
Bessel and Airy functions.
BicubicSplineInterpolator |
Given a set of data (x0Values_i, x1Values_j, yValues_{ij}), derive the piecewise bicubic function,
f(x0,x1) = sum_{i=0}^{3} sum_{j=0}^{3} coefMat_{ij} (x0-x0Values_i)^{3-i} (x1-x1Values_j)^{3-j},
for the region x0Values_i < x0 < x0Values_{i+1}, x1Values_j < x1 < x1Values_{j+1} such that
f(x0Values_a, x1Values_b) = yValues_{ab} where a={i,i+1}, b={j,j+1}.
BigMoney |
A monetary amount, held to a maximum of 12 decimal places.
Bill |
A bill.
Bill.Builder |
The bean-builder for Bill .
Bill.Meta |
The meta-bean for Bill .
BillMeasureCalculations |
Multi-scenario measure calculations for bill trades.
BillPosition |
A position in a bill.
BillPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for BillPosition .
BillPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for BillPosition .
BillSecurity |
A security representing a bill.
BillSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for BillSecurity .
BillSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for BillSecurity .
BillTrade |
A trade representing a bill.
BillTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for BillTrade .
BillTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for BillTrade .
BillTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<Bill> & Resolvable<ResolvedBillTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single BillTrade or BillPosition for each of a set of scenarios.
BillTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for bill trades.
BillYieldConvention |
A convention defining how yield is computed for a bill.
BisectionSingleRootFinder |
Finds a single root of a function using the bisection method.
BivariateNormalDistribution |
The bivariate normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution
of two variables, $x$ and $y$, with cdf
M(x, y, \rho) = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{1 - \rho^2}}\int_{-\infty}^x\int_{-\infty}^{y} e^{\frac{-(X^2 - 2\rho XY + Y^2)}{2(1 - \rho^2)}} dX dY
where $\rho$ is the correlation between $x$ and $y$.
BlackBarrierPriceFormulaRepository |
The price function to compute the price of barrier option in the Black world.
BlackBondFutureExpiryLogMoneynessVolatilities |
Data provider of volatility for bond future options in the log-normal or Black model.
BlackBondFutureExpiryLogMoneynessVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackBondFutureExpiryLogMoneynessVolatilities .
BlackBondFutureExpiryLogMoneynessVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackBondFutureExpiryLogMoneynessVolatilities .
BlackBondFutureOptionMarginedProductPricer |
Pricer of options on bond future with a log-normal model on the underlying future price.
BlackBondFutureOptionMarginedTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for bond future option.
BlackBondFutureVolatilities |
Volatility for pricing bond futures and their options in the log-normal or Black model.
BlackFixedCouponBondOptionPricer |
Pricer for fixed coupon bond options based on Black formula for the (dirty) bond price.
BlackFlatCmsPeriodPricer |
Computes the price of a CMS coupon in a constant log-normal volatility set-up.
BlackFormulaRepository |
The primary repository for Black formulas, including the price, common greeks and implied volatility.
BlackFxOptionFlatVolatilities |
Volatility for FX options in the log-normal or Black model based on a curve.
BlackFxOptionFlatVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackFxOptionFlatVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionFlatVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackFxOptionFlatVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionInterpolatedNodalSurfaceVolatilitiesSpecification |
The specification of how to build FX option volatilities.
BlackFxOptionInterpolatedNodalSurfaceVolatilitiesSpecification.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackFxOptionInterpolatedNodalSurfaceVolatilitiesSpecification .
BlackFxOptionInterpolatedNodalSurfaceVolatilitiesSpecification.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackFxOptionInterpolatedNodalSurfaceVolatilitiesSpecification .
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities |
Data provider of volatility for FX options in the log-normal or Black-Scholes model.
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilitiesSpecification |
The specification of how to build FX option volatilities.
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilitiesSpecification.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilitiesSpecification .
BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilitiesSpecification.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilitiesSpecification .
BlackFxOptionSurfaceVolatilities |
Volatility for FX options in the log-normal or Black model based on a surface.
BlackFxOptionSurfaceVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for BlackFxOptionSurfaceVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionSurfaceVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackFxOptionSurfaceVolatilities .
BlackFxOptionVolatilities |
Volatility for FX option in the log-normal or Black model.
BlackFxSingleBarrierOptionProductPricer |
Pricer for FX barrier option products in Black-Scholes world.
BlackFxSingleBarrierOptionTradePricer |
Pricer for FX barrier option trades in Black-Scholes world.
BlackFxVanillaOptionProductPricer |
Pricer for foreign exchange vanilla option transaction products with a lognormal model.
BlackFxVanillaOptionTradePricer |
Pricer for FX vanilla option trades with a lognormal model.
BlackIborCapFloorLegPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor legs in log-normal or Black model.
BlackIborCapFloorProductPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor products in log-normal or Black model.
BlackIborCapFloorTradePricer |
Pricer for cap/floor trades in log-normal or Black model.
BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the log-normal or Black model based on a curve.
BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities .
BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the log-normal or Black model based on a surface.
BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities .
BlackIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for caplet/floorlet in a log-normal or Black model.
BlackIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the log-normal or Black model.
BlackOneTouchAssetPriceFormulaRepository |
The price function to compute the price of one-touch or no-touch (asset-or-nothing) option in the Black world.
BlackOneTouchCashPriceFormulaRepository |
The price function to compute the price of one-touch or no-touch (cash-or-nothing) option in the Black world.
BlackSabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in SABR model.
BlackScholesFormulaRepository |
The primary repository for Black-Scholes formulas, including the price and greeks.
BlackSwaptionCashParYieldProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with par yield curve method of cash settlement in a log-normal or Black model on the swap rate.
BlackSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the log-normal or Black model.
BlackSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for BlackSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities .
BlackSwaptionPhysicalProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement in a log-normal or Black model on the swap rate.
BlackSwaptionTradePricer |
Pricer for swaption trade in the log-normal or Black model on the swap rate.
BlackSwaptionVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the log-normal or Black model.
BondFuture |
A futures contract, based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds.
BondFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFuture .
BondFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFuture .
BondFutureOption |
A futures option contract, based on bonds.
BondFutureOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureOption .
BondFutureOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureOption .
BondFutureOptionMarketData |
Market data for bond future options.
BondFutureOptionMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to bond future volatilities in market data.
BondFutureOptionPosition |
A position in a bond future option.
BondFutureOptionPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureOptionPosition .
BondFutureOptionPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureOptionPosition .
BondFutureOptionScenarioMarketData |
Market data for bond future options, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
BondFutureOptionSecurity |
A security representing a futures contract, based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds.
BondFutureOptionSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureOptionSecurity .
BondFutureOptionSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureOptionSecurity .
BondFutureOptionSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to an implied volatility for a bond future option model.
BondFutureOptionSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureOptionSensitivity .
BondFutureOptionTrade |
A trade representing an option on a futures contract based on bonds.
BondFutureOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureOptionTrade .
BondFutureOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureOptionTrade .
BondFutureOptionTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<BondFutureOption> & Resolvable<ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single BondFutureOptionTrade or BondFutureOptionPosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
BondFutureOptionTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for trades in an option contract based on an bond future.
BondFuturePosition |
A position in a bond future.
BondFuturePosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFuturePosition .
BondFuturePosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFuturePosition .
BondFutureSecurity |
A security representing a futures contract, based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds.
BondFutureSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureSecurity .
BondFutureSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureSecurity .
BondFutureTrade |
A trade representing a futures contract based on a fixed coupon bond.
BondFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for BondFutureTrade .
BondFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondFutureTrade .
BondFutureTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<BondFuture> & Resolvable<ResolvedBondFutureTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single BondFutureTrade or BondFuturePosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
BondFutureTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for trades in a futures contract based on a basket of bonds.
BondFutureVolatilities |
Volatilities for pricing bond futures and their options.
BondFutureVolatilitiesId |
An identifier used to access bond future volatilities by name.
BondFutureVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of bond future volatilities.
BondPaymentPeriod |
A period over which interest is accrued with a single payment.
BondVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of bond options volatilities.
BondYieldSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a bond yield implied parameter point.
BondYieldSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for BondYieldSensitivity .
BondYieldVolatilities |
Volatilities for bond options.
BoundCurveExtrapolator |
A curve extrapolator that has been bound to a specific curve.
BoundCurveInterpolator |
A curve interpolator that has been bound to a specific curve.
BoundSurfaceInterpolator |
A surface interpolator that has been bound to a specific surface.
BracketRoot |
Class that brackets single root of a function.
BrentSingleRootFinder |
Root finder.
BroydenMatrixUpdateFunction |
BroydenVectorRootFinder |
A root finder using Broyden's Jacobian update formula.
BuiltMarketData |
Market data that has been built.
BuiltMarketData.Meta |
The meta-bean for BuiltMarketData .
BuiltScenarioMarketData |
Market data that has been built.
BuiltScenarioMarketData.Meta |
The meta-bean for BuiltScenarioMarketData .
BulletPayment |
A bullet payment.
BulletPayment.Builder |
The bean-builder for BulletPayment .
BulletPayment.Meta |
The meta-bean for BulletPayment .
BulletPaymentTrade |
A bullet payment trade.
BulletPaymentTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for BulletPaymentTrade .
BulletPaymentTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for BulletPaymentTrade .
BulletPaymentTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single BulletPaymentTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
BulletPaymentTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for bullet payment trades.
BusinessDayAdjustment |
An adjustment that alters a date if it falls on a day other than a business day.
BusinessDayAdjustment.Builder |
The bean-builder for BusinessDayAdjustment .
BusinessDayAdjustment.Meta |
The meta-bean for BusinessDayAdjustment .
BusinessDayConvention |
A convention defining how to adjust a date if it falls on a day other than a business day.
BusinessDayConventions |
Constants and implementations for standard business day conventions.
BuySell |
Flag indicating whether a trade is "buy" or "sell".
ByteSourceCodec |
Encodes and decodes common data formats.
CalculationFunction<T extends CalculationTarget> |
Primary interface for all calculation functions that calculate measures.
CalculationFunctions |
The calculation functions.
CalculationListener |
CalculationParameter |
The base interface for calculation parameters.
CalculationParameters |
The calculation parameters.
CalculationParametersId |
An identifier used to access calculation parameters by name.
CalculationResult |
The result of a single calculation.
CalculationResults |
A set of related calculation results for a single calculation target.
CalculationRules |
A set of rules that define how the calculation runner should perform calculations.
CalculationRules.Meta |
The meta-bean for CalculationRules .
CalculationRunner |
Component that provides the ability to perform calculations on multiple targets, measures and scenarios.
CalculationTarget |
The target of calculation within a system.
CalculationTargetList |
A list of calculation targets.
CalculationTask |
A single task that will be used to perform a calculation.
CalculationTaskCell |
A single cell within a calculation task.
CalculationTaskRunner |
Component that provides the ability to run calculation tasks.
CalculationTasks |
The tasks that will be used to perform the calculations.
CalibrationMeasure<T extends ResolvedTrade> |
Provides access to the measures needed to perform curve calibration for a single type of trade.
CalibrationMeasures |
Provides access to the measures needed to perform curve calibration.
CapFloor |
Flag indicating whether a financial instrument is "cap" or a "floor".
CapitalIndexedBond |
A capital indexed bond.
CapitalIndexedBond.Builder |
The bean-builder for CapitalIndexedBond .
CapitalIndexedBond.Meta |
The meta-bean for CapitalIndexedBond .
CapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriod |
A coupon or nominal payment of capital indexed bonds.
CapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for CapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriod .
CapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for CapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriod .
CapitalIndexedBondPosition |
A position in a capital indexed bond.
CapitalIndexedBondPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for CapitalIndexedBondPosition .
CapitalIndexedBondPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for CapitalIndexedBondPosition .
CapitalIndexedBondSecurity |
A security representing a capital indexed bond.
CapitalIndexedBondSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for CapitalIndexedBondSecurity .
CapitalIndexedBondSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for CapitalIndexedBondSecurity .
CapitalIndexedBondTrade |
A trade representing a capital indexed bond.
CapitalIndexedBondTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for CapitalIndexedBondTrade .
CapitalIndexedBondTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CapitalIndexedBondTrade .
CapitalIndexedBondTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<CapitalIndexedBond> & Resolvable<ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single CapitalIndexedBondTrade or CapitalIndexedBondPosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
CapitalIndexedBondTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for forward rate agreement (capital indexed bond) trades.
CapitalIndexedBondYieldConvention |
A convention defining accrued interest calculation type for inflation bond securities.
CashFlow |
A single cash flow of a currency amount on a specific date.
CashFlow.Meta |
The meta-bean for CashFlow .
CashFlowEquivalentCalculator |
Computes cash flow equivalent of products.
CashFlowReport |
Represents a cash flow report.
CashFlowReport.Builder |
The bean-builder for CashFlowReport .
CashFlowReport.Meta |
The meta-bean for CashFlowReport .
CashFlowReportFormatter |
Formatter for cash flow reports.
CashFlowReportRunner |
Report runner for cash flow reports.
CashFlowReportTemplate |
Marker for a cash flow report template.
CashFlowReportTemplateIniLoader |
Loads a cash flow report template from the standard INI file format.
CashFlows |
A collection of cash flows.
CashFlows.Meta |
The meta-bean for CashFlows .
CashSwaptionSettlement |
Defines the cash settlement type for the payoff of a swaption.
CashSwaptionSettlement.Meta |
The meta-bean for CashSwaptionSettlement .
CashSwaptionSettlementMethod |
Cash settlement method of cash settled swaptions.
CcpId |
An identifier for a Central Counterparty Clearing House (CCP).
CcpIds |
Identifiers for common CCPs.
Cds |
A single-name credit default swap (CDS).
Cds.Builder |
The bean-builder for Cds .
Cds.Meta |
The meta-bean for Cds .
CdsCalibrationTrade |
A trade in a single-name credit default swap (CDS) used for credit curve calibration.
CdsCalibrationTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsCalibrationTrade .
CdsConvention |
A market convention for credit default swap trades.
CdsConventions |
Standardized credit default swap conventions.
CdsIndex |
A CDS (portfolio) index product.
CdsIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for CdsIndex .
CdsIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsIndex .
CdsIndexCalibrationTrade |
A trade in a CDS index used for credit curve calibration.
CdsIndexCalibrationTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsIndexCalibrationTrade .
CdsIndexIsdaCreditCurveNode |
An ISDA compliant curve node whose instrument is a CDS index.
CdsIndexIsdaCreditCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for CdsIndexIsdaCreditCurveNode .
CdsIndexIsdaCreditCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsIndexIsdaCreditCurveNode .
CdsIndexTrade |
A trade in a CDS index.
CdsIndexTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for CdsIndexTrade .
CdsIndexTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsIndexTrade .
CdsIndexTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single CdsIndexTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
CdsIsdaCreditCurveNode |
An ISDA compliant curve node whose instrument is a credit default swap.
CdsIsdaCreditCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for CdsIsdaCreditCurveNode .
CdsIsdaCreditCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsIsdaCreditCurveNode .
CdsMarketQuoteConverter |
The market quote converter for credit default swaps.
CdsQuote |
Market quote for a single-name credit default swap (CDS).
CdsQuote.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsQuote .
CdsQuoteConvention |
Market quote conventions for credit default swaps.
CdsTemplate |
A template for creating credit default swap trades.
CdsTrade |
A trade in a single-name credit default swap (CDS).
CdsTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for CdsTrade .
CdsTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CdsTrade .
CdsTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single CdsTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
CharSources |
Helper that allows CharSource objects to be created.
CheckedBiConsumer<T,U> |
A checked version of BiConsumer .
CheckedBiFunction<T,U,R> |
A checked version of BiFunction .
CheckedBinaryOperator<T> |
A checked version of BinaryOperator .
CheckedBiPredicate<T,U> |
A checked version of BiPredicate .
CheckedConsumer<T> |
A checked version of Consumer .
CheckedFunction<T,R> |
A checked version of Function .
CheckedPredicate<T> |
A checked version of Predicate .
CheckedRunnable |
A checked version of Runnable .
CheckedSupplier<R> |
A checked version of Supplier .
CheckedUnaryOperator<T> |
A checked version of UnaryOperator .
ChiSquare |
ChiSquareDistribution |
A $\chi^2$ distribution with $k$ degrees of freedom is the distribution of
the sum of squares of $k$ independent standard normal random variables with
cdf and inverse cdf
F(x) &=\frac{\gamma\left(\frac{k}{2}, \frac{x}{2}\right)}{\Gamma\left(\frac{k}{2}\right)}\\
F^{-1}(p) &= 2\gamma^{-1}\left(\frac{k}{2}, p\right)
where $\gamma(y, z)$ is the lower incomplete Gamma function and $\Gamma(y)$
is the Gamma function.
CholeskyDecompositionCommons |
CholeskyDecompositionCommonsResult |
CholeskyDecompositionOpenGamma |
OpenGamma implementation of the Cholesky decomposition and its differentiation.
CholeskyDecompositionOpenGammaResult |
Results of the OpenGamma implementation of Cholesky decomposition.
CholeskyDecompositionResult |
Contains the results of Cholesky matrix decomposition.
ClampedPiecewisePolynomialInterpolator |
Piecewise polynomial interpolator clamped at specified points.
CloseableExecutor |
AutoCloseable wrapper around an executor.
Cms |
A constant maturity swap (CMS) or CMS cap/floor.
Cms.Meta |
The meta-bean for Cms .
CmsLeg |
A CMS leg of a constant maturity swap (CMS) product.
CmsLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for CmsLeg .
CmsLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for CmsLeg .
CmsPeriod |
A period over which a CMS coupon or CMS caplet/floorlet payoff is paid.
CmsPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for CmsPeriod .
CmsPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for CmsPeriod .
CmsPeriodType |
A CMS payment period type.
CmsSabrExtrapolationParams |
The additional parameters necessary for pricing CMS using SABR extrapolation replication.
CmsTrade |
A trade in a constant maturity swap (CMS).
CmsTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for CmsTrade .
CmsTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for CmsTrade .
CmsTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single CmsTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
CmsTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for constant maturity swap (CMS) trades.
Column |
Defines a column in a set of calculation results.
Column.Builder |
The bean-builder for Column .
Column.Meta |
The meta-bean for Column .
ColumnHeader |
Provides access to the column name and measure in the grid of results.
ColumnHeader.Meta |
The meta-bean for ColumnHeader .
ColumnName |
The name of a column in the grid of calculation results.
CombinedCurve |
A curve formed from two curves, the base curve and the spread curve.
CombinedCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for CombinedCurve .
CombinedExtendedEnum<T extends Named> |
Combines multiple extended enums into one lookup.
CommonsMathWrapper |
Utility class for converting OpenGamma mathematical objects into
Commons objects and vice versa.
CommonsMatrixAlgebra |
CompoundedRateType |
A compounded rate type.
CompoundingMethod |
A convention defining how to compound interest.
ConcatenatedVectorFunction |
For the set of $k$ vector functions $f_i: \mathbb{R}^{m_i} \to \mathbb{R}^{n_i} \quad x_i \mapsto f_i(x_i) = y_i$
this forms the function
$f: \mathbb{R}^{m} \to \mathbb{R}^{n} \quad x_i \mapsto f(x) = y$ where $n = \sum_{i=1}^k n_i$ and
$m = \sum_{i=1}^k m_i$ and $x = (x_1,x_2,\dots,x_k)$ \& $y = (y_1,y_2,\dots,y_k)$.
ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction |
Single barrier knock-out option function.
ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction.Meta |
The meta-bean for ConstantContinuousSingleBarrierKnockoutFunction .
ConstantCurve |
A curve based on a single constant value.
ConstantCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for ConstantCurve .
ConstantNodalCurve |
A curve based on a single constant value.
ConstantNodalCurve.Builder |
The bean-builder for ConstantNodalCurve .
ConstantNodalCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for ConstantNodalCurve .
ConstantRecoveryRates |
The constant recovery rate.
ConstantRecoveryRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for ConstantRecoveryRates .
ConstantSurface |
A surface based on a single constant value.
ConstantSurface.Meta |
The meta-bean for ConstantSurface .
ConstrainedCubicSplineInterpolator |
Cubic spline interpolation based on
Country |
A country or territory.
CoxRossRubinsteinLatticeSpecification |
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein lattice specification.
CreditCouponPaymentPeriod |
A period over which a fixed coupon is paid.
CreditCouponPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for CreditCouponPaymentPeriod .
CreditCouponPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for CreditCouponPaymentPeriod .
CreditCurveZeroRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to the zero hazard rate curve.
CreditCurveZeroRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for CreditCurveZeroRateSensitivity .
CreditDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a single currency.
CreditMeasures |
The standard set of credit measures that can be calculated by Strata.
CreditRatesMarketData |
Market data for credit products.
CreditRatesMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to credit rates in market data.
CreditRatesProvider |
The rates provider, used to calculate analytic measures.
CreditRatesScenarioMarketData |
Market data for products based on credit, discount and recovery rate curves, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
CrossGammaParameterSensitivities |
The second order parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data.
CrossGammaParameterSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for CrossGammaParameterSensitivities .
CrossGammaParameterSensitivity |
The second order parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data.
CrossGammaParameterSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for CrossGammaParameterSensitivity .
CsvFile |
A CSV file.
CsvIterator |
Iterator over the rows of a CSV file.
CsvLoaderColumns |
Column names for CSV files.
CsvLoaderUtils |
CSV information resolver helper.
CsvOutput |
Outputs a CSV formatted file.
CsvRow |
A row in a CSV file.
CsvWriterUtils |
Groups several utilities methods for CsvPlugins
CubicRealRootFinder |
Root finder that calculates the roots of a cubic equation using CubicRootFinder
and returns only the real roots.
CubicRootFinder |
Class that calculates the roots of a cubic equation.
CubicSplineClampedSolver |
Solves cubic spline problem with clamped endpoint conditions, where the first derivative is specified at endpoints.
CubicSplineInterpolator |
C2 cubic spline interpolator with Clamped/Not-A-Knot endpoint conditions.
CubicSplineNakSolver |
Solves cubic spline problem with Not-A-Knot endpoint conditions, where the third derivative
at the endpoints is the same as that of their adjacent points.
CubicSplineNaturalSolver |
Solves cubic spline problem with natural endpoint conditions, where the second derivative at the endpoints is 0.
Currency |
A unit of currency.
CurrencyAmount |
An amount of a currency.
CurrencyAmountArray |
An array of currency amounts with the same currency.
CurrencyAmountArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurrencyAmountArray .
CurrencyAmountTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a currency amount.
CurrencyPair |
An ordered pair of currencies, such as 'EUR/USD'.
CurrencyParameterSensitivities |
Currency-based parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data, such as curves.
CurrencyParameterSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurrencyParameterSensitivities .
CurrencyParameterSensitivitiesBuilder |
Builder for CurrencyParameterSensitivities .
CurrencyParameterSensitivitiesTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against currency parameter sensitivities.
CurrencyParameterSensitivity |
Currency-based parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data, such as a curve.
CurrencyParameterSensitivity.Builder |
The bean-builder for CurrencyParameterSensitivity .
CurrencyParameterSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurrencyParameterSensitivity .
CurrencyParameterSensitivityTokenEvaluator |
Token evaluator for currency parameter sensitivity.
CurrencyScenarioArray |
A currency-convertible scenario array for a single currency, holding one amount for each scenario.
CurrencyScenarioArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurrencyScenarioArray .
Curve |
A curve that maps a double x-value to a double y-value.
CurveDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate a curve.
CurveExtrapolator |
Interface for extrapolators which extrapolate beyond the ends of a curve.
CurveExtrapolators |
The standard set of curve extrapolators.
CurveGammaCalculator |
Computes the gamma-related values for the rates curve parameters.
CurveGroup |
A group of curves.
CurveGroupDefinition |
The definition of how to calibrate a group of curves.
CurveGroupName |
The name of a curve group.
CurveId |
An identifier used to access a curve by name.
CurveInfoType<T> |
The type that provides meaning to additional curve information.
CurveInterpolator |
Interface for interpolators that interpolate between points on a curve.
CurveInterpolators |
The standard set of curve interpolators.
CurveMarketDataFunction |
Market data function that locates a curve by name.
CurveMetadata |
Metadata about a curve and curve parameters.
CurveName |
The name of a curve.
CurveNode |
A node in the configuration specifying how to calibrate a curve.
CurveNodeClashAction |
The action to perform when the dates of two curve nodes clash.
CurveNodeDate |
The date of the curve node.
CurveNodeDate.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurveNodeDate .
CurveNodeDateOrder |
The date order rules to apply to a pair of curve nodes.
CurveNodeDateOrder.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurveNodeDateOrder .
CurveNodeDateType |
The types of curve node date.
CurveParallelShifts |
Perturbation which applies a parallel shift to a curve.
CurveParallelShifts.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurveParallelShifts .
CurveParameterSize |
The curve name and number of parameters.
CurveParameterSize.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurveParameterSize .
Curves |
Helper for creating common types of curves.
CurveSensitivities |
Sensitivity to a set of curves, used to pass risk into calculations.
CurveSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for CurveSensitivities .
CurveSensitivitiesBuilder |
Builder for CurveSensitivities .
CurveSensitivitiesType |
The type of curve sensitivities.
CurveSensitivityUtils |
Utilities to transform sensitivities.
DateAdjuster |
Functional interface that can adjust a date.
DateAdjusters |
Date adjusters that perform useful operations on LocalDate .
DatedParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata that specifies a date.
DatesCdsTemplate |
A template for creating credit default swap trades.
DatesCdsTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for DatesCdsTemplate .
DateSequence |
A series of dates identified by name.
DateSequences |
Constants and implementations for standard date sequences.
DayCount |
A convention defining how to calculate fractions of a year.
DayCount.ScheduleInfo |
Information about the schedule necessary to calculate the day count.
DayCounts |
Constants and implementations for standard day count conventions.
DaysAdjustment |
An adjustment that alters a date by adding a period of days.
DaysAdjustment.Builder |
The bean-builder for DaysAdjustment .
DaysAdjustment.Meta |
The meta-bean for DaysAdjustment .
Decimal |
A decimal number, similar to BigDecimal , but optimized for the needs of finance.
Decomposition<R extends DecompositionResult> |
Base interface for matrix decompositions, such as SVD and LU.
DecompositionFactory |
Factory class for different types of decompositions.
DecompositionResult |
Contains the results of matrix decomposition.
DefaultCurveMetadata |
Default metadata for a curve.
DefaultCurveMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for DefaultCurveMetadata .
DefaultCurveMetadataBuilder |
Builder for curve metadata.
DefaultSurfaceMetadata |
Default metadata for a surface.
DefaultSurfaceMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for DefaultSurfaceMetadata .
DefaultSurfaceMetadataBuilder |
Builder for surface metadata.
DeformedSurface |
The deformed surface.
DeformedSurface.Builder |
The bean-builder for DeformedSurface .
DeformedSurface.Meta |
The meta-bean for DeformedSurface .
DeltaStrike |
A strike based on absolute delta.
DeltaStrike.Meta |
The meta-bean for DeltaStrike .
DepositIsdaCreditCurveNode |
An ISDA compliant curve node whose instrument is a term deposit.
DepositIsdaCreditCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for DepositIsdaCreditCurveNode .
DepositIsdaCreditCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for DepositIsdaCreditCurveNode .
DerivedCalculationFunction<T extends CalculationTarget,R> |
A derived calculation function calculates one measure using the measures calculated by another function.
Described |
A described instance.
Diff |
Computes the numerical difference between adjacent elements in vector.
Differentiator<S,T,U> |
Given a one-dimensional function (see Function ), returns a function that calculates the gradient.
DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityCalibrator |
Caplet volatilities calibration to cap volatilities.
DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityDefinition .
DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for DirectIborCapletFloorletFlatVolatilityDefinition .
DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrator |
Caplet volatilities calibration to cap volatilities.
DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition .
DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for DirectIborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition .
DiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a single currency.
DiscountFxForwardRates |
Provides access to discount factors for currencies.
DiscountFxForwardRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for DiscountFxForwardRates .
DiscountIborIndexRates |
An Ibor index curve providing rates from discount factors.
DiscountIborIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for DiscountIborIndexRates .
DiscountingBillProductPricer |
Pricer for bill products.
DiscountingBillTradePricer |
Pricer for bill trades.
DiscountingBondFutureProductPricer |
Pricer for for bond future products.
DiscountingBondFutureTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for bond future trades.
DiscountingBulletPaymentTradePricer |
Pricer for for bullet payment trades.
DiscountingCapitalIndexedBondPaymentPeriodPricer |
Pricer implementation for bond payment periods based on a capital indexed coupon.
DiscountingCapitalIndexedBondProductPricer |
Pricer for capital indexed bond products.
DiscountingCapitalIndexedBondTradePricer |
Pricer for for capital index bond trades.
DiscountingCmsLegPricer |
Pricer for CMS legs by simple forward estimation.
DiscountingCmsPeriodPricer |
Computes the price of a CMS coupon by simple forward estimation.
DiscountingCmsProductPricer |
Computes the price of a CMS product by simple forward estimation.
DiscountingCmsTradePricer |
Pricer for CMS trade by simple forward estimation.
DiscountingDsfProductPricer |
Pricer for for Deliverable Swap Futures (DSFs).
DiscountingDsfTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for Deliverable Swap Futures (DSFs).
DiscountingFixedCouponBondPaymentPeriodPricer |
Pricer implementation for bond payment periods based on a fixed coupon.
DiscountingFixedCouponBondProductPricer |
Pricer for fixed coupon bond products.
DiscountingFixedCouponBondTradePricer |
Pricer for fixed coupon bond trades.
DiscountingFraProductPricer |
Pricer for for forward rate agreement (FRA) products.
DiscountingFraTradePricer |
Pricer for for forward rate agreement (FRA) trades.
DiscountingFxNdfProductPricer |
Pricer for FX non-deliverable forward (NDF) products.
DiscountingFxNdfTradePricer |
Pricer for FX non-deliverable forward (NDF) trades.
DiscountingFxResetNotionalExchangePricer |
Pricer implementation for the exchange of FX reset notionals.
DiscountingFxSingleProductPricer |
Pricer for foreign exchange transaction products.
DiscountingFxSingleTradePricer |
Pricer for foreign exchange transaction trades.
DiscountingFxSwapProductPricer |
Pricer for foreign exchange swap transaction products.
DiscountingFxSwapTradePricer |
Pricer for foreign exchange swap transaction trades.
DiscountingIborFixingDepositProductPricer |
The methods associated to the pricing of Ibor fixing deposit by discounting.
DiscountingIborFixingDepositTradePricer |
The methods associated to the pricing of Ibor fixing deposit trades by discounting.
DiscountingIborFutureProductPricer |
Pricer for for Ibor future products.
DiscountingIborFutureTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for Ibor future trades.
DiscountingKnownAmountPaymentPeriodPricer |
Pricer implementation for swap payment periods based on a known amount.
DiscountingNotionalExchangePricer |
Pricer implementation for the exchange of notionals.
DiscountingOvernightFutureProductPricer |
Pricer for for Overnight rate future products.
DiscountingOvernightFutureTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for Overnight rate future trades.
DiscountingPaymentPricer |
Pricer for simple payments.
DiscountingRatePaymentPeriodPricer |
Pricer implementation for swap payment periods based on a rate.
DiscountingSwapLegPricer |
Pricer for for rate swap legs.
DiscountingSwapProductPricer |
Pricer for for rate swap products.
DiscountingSwapTradePricer |
Pricer for for rate swap trades.
DiscountingTermDepositProductPricer |
The methods associated to the pricing of term deposit by discounting.
DiscountingTermDepositTradePricer |
The methods associated to the pricing of term deposit by discounting.
DiscountOvernightIndexRates |
An Overnight index curve providing rates from discount factors.
DiscountOvernightIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for DiscountOvernightIndexRates .
DiscreteQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
DispatchingRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation using multiple dispatch.
DispatchingSwapPaymentEventPricer |
Pricer implementation for payment events using multiple dispatch.
DispatchingSwapPaymentPeriodPricer |
Pricer implementation for payment periods using multiple dispatch.
DoubleArray |
An immutable array of double values.
DoubleArrayMath |
Contains utility methods for maths on double arrays.
DoubleFunction1D |
Defines a family of functions that take real arguments and return real values.
DoubleMatrix |
An immutable two-dimensional array of double values.
DoubleMatrix.Meta |
The meta-bean for DoubleMatrix .
DoubleRangeLimitTransform |
Limit transform.
DoubleScenarioArray |
A scenario array holding one double value for each scenario.
DoubleScenarioArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for DoubleScenarioArray .
DoublesPair |
An immutable pair consisting of two double elements.
DoublesPair.Meta |
The meta-bean for DoublesPair .
DoublesScheduleGenerator |
The Doubles schedule generator.
DoublesVectorFunctionProvider |
An abstraction for anything that provides a VectorFunction for a set of data points (as Double).
DoubleTernaryOperator |
A function of three arguments that returns a value.
Dsf |
A deliverable swap futures contract.
Dsf.Builder |
The bean-builder for Dsf .
Dsf.Meta |
The meta-bean for Dsf .
DsfPosition |
A position in a DSF.
DsfPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for DsfPosition .
DsfPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for DsfPosition .
DsfSecurity |
A security representing a deliverable swap futures security.
DsfSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for DsfSecurity .
DsfSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for DsfSecurity .
DsfTrade |
A trade representing a futures contract based on an interest rate swap.
DsfTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for DsfTrade .
DsfTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for DsfTrade .
DsfTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<Dsf> & Resolvable<ResolvedDsfTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single DsfTrade or DsfPosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
DsfTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for Deliverable Swap Future (DSF) trades.
DupireLocalVolatilityCalculator |
Local volatility computation based on the exact formula.
EigenvaluePolynomialRootFinder |
The eigenvalues of a matrix $\mathbf{A}$ are the roots of the characteristic
polynomial $P(x) = \mathrm{det}[\mathbf{A} - x\mathbb{1}]$.
EnumNames<T extends Enum<T> & NamedEnum> |
Helper that allows enum names to be created and parsed.
Epsilon |
Taylor expansion epsilon.
EtdContractCode |
The contract code for an Exchange Traded Derivative (ETD).
EtdContractGroupCode |
The code for a group of ETD contracts, as defined an exchange.
EtdContractGroupId |
An identifier for a group of ETD contracts.
EtdContractSpec |
The contract specification defining an Exchange Traded Derivative (ETD) product.
EtdContractSpec.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdContractSpec .
EtdContractSpecBuilder |
EtdContractSpecId |
An identifier for an ETD product.
EtdExpiryType |
The expiry type of an Exchange Traded Derivative (ETD) product.
EtdFuturePosition |
A position in an ETD future, where the security is embedded ready for mark-to-market pricing.
EtdFuturePosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdFuturePosition .
EtdFuturePosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdFuturePosition .
EtdFutureSecurity |
An instrument representing an exchange traded derivative (ETD) future.
EtdFutureSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdFutureSecurity .
EtdFutureSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdFutureSecurity .
EtdFutureTrade |
A trade representing an ETD future.
EtdFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdFutureTrade .
EtdFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdFutureTrade .
EtdIdUtils |
A utility for generating ETD identifiers.
EtdOptionPosition |
A position in an ETD option, where the security is embedded ready for mark-to-market pricing.
EtdOptionPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdOptionPosition .
EtdOptionPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdOptionPosition .
EtdOptionSecurity |
An instrument representing an exchange traded derivative (ETD) option.
EtdOptionSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdOptionSecurity .
EtdOptionSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdOptionSecurity .
EtdOptionTrade |
A trade representing an ETD option.
EtdOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for EtdOptionTrade .
EtdOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for EtdOptionTrade .
EtdOptionType |
The option expiry type, 'American' or 'European'.
EtdPosition |
A position in an ETD, where the security is embedded ready for mark-to-market pricing.
EtdSecurity |
An instrument representing an exchange traded derivative (ETD).
EtdSettlementType |
The type of an Exchange Traded Derivative (ETD) settlement.
EtdTrade |
A trade in an exchange traded derivative (ETD).
EtdType |
The type of an Exchange Traded Derivative (ETD) product, either a future or an option.
EtdVariant |
The variant of an exchange traded derivative (ETD).
EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction |
European vanilla option function.
EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction.Meta |
The meta-bean for EuropeanVanillaOptionFunction .
EvaluationResult |
The result of a TokenEvaluator evaluating an expression against an object.
ExcelInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
ExchangeId |
An identifier for an exchange based on the ISO Market Identifier Code (MIC).
ExchangeIds |
Identifiers for common exchanges.
ExplainKey<T> |
A key for the map of explanatory values.
ExplainMap |
A map of explanatory values.
ExplainMap.Meta |
The meta-bean for ExplainMap .
ExplainMapBuilder |
A builder for the map of explanatory values.
ExponentiallyWeightedInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile and expected shortfall estimator for series with exponentially weighted probabilities.
ExtendedEnum<T extends Named> |
Manager for extended enums controlled by code or configuration.
ExtendedEnum.ExternalEnumNames<T extends Named> |
Maps names used by external systems to the standard name used here.
ExtendedTrapezoidIntegrator1D |
The trapezoid integration rule is a two-point Newton-Cotes formula that
approximates the area under the curve as a trapezoid.
Failure |
Description of a failed result.
Failure.Meta |
The meta-bean for Failure .
FailureAttributeKeys |
FailureException |
An exception thrown when a failure Result is encountered and the failure can't be handled.
FailureItem |
Details of a single failed item.
FailureItem.Meta |
The meta-bean for FailureItem .
FailureItemException |
An exception thrown when an exception can be represented by a FailureItem .
FailureItemProvider |
Provides access to a FailureItem .
FailureItems |
A list of failure items.
FailureItems.Meta |
The meta-bean for FailureItems .
FailureItemsBuilder |
A builder for a list of failure items.
FailureReason |
Represents the reason why failure occurred.
FastCreditCurveCalibrator |
Fast credit curve calibrator.
FieldName |
The name of a field in a market data record.
FileByteSource |
A byte source implementation that obtains data from a file.
FiniteDifferenceSpreadSensitivityCalculator |
Finite difference spread sensitivity calculator.
FiniteDifferenceType |
Enum representing the various differencing types that can be used to estimate the gradient of a function.
FixedAccrualMethod |
The method of accruing interest on a notional amount using a fixed rate.
FixedCouponBond |
A fixed coupon bond.
FixedCouponBond.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBond .
FixedCouponBond.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBond .
FixedCouponBondOption |
FixedCouponBondOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBondOption .
FixedCouponBondOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBondOption .
FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod |
A period over which a fixed coupon is paid.
FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod .
FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBondPaymentPeriod .
FixedCouponBondPosition |
A position in a fixed coupon bond.
FixedCouponBondPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBondPosition .
FixedCouponBondPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBondPosition .
FixedCouponBondSecurity |
A security representing a fixed coupon bond.
FixedCouponBondSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBondSecurity .
FixedCouponBondSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBondSecurity .
FixedCouponBondTrade |
A trade representing a fixed coupon bond.
FixedCouponBondTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedCouponBondTrade .
FixedCouponBondTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedCouponBondTrade .
FixedCouponBondTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<FixedCouponBond> & Resolvable<ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single FixedCouponBondTrade or FixedCouponBondPosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
FixedCouponBondTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for forward rate agreement (fixed coupon bond) trades.
FixedCouponBondYieldConvention |
A convention defining accrued interest calculation type for a bond security.
FixedFloatSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Float swap trades, covering Ibor and Overnight indices.
FixedFloatSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Fixed-Float swap trades.
FixedIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Ibor swap trades.
FixedIborSwapConventions |
Market standard Fixed-Ibor swap conventions.
FixedIborSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a Fixed-Ibor interest rate swap.
FixedIborSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedIborSwapCurveNode .
FixedIborSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedIborSwapCurveNode .
FixedIborSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Fixed-Ibor swap trades.
FixedIborSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedIborSwapTemplate .
FixedIborSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedIborSwapTemplate .
FixedInflationSwapConvention |
A market convention for Inflation swap trades.
FixedInflationSwapConventions |
Fixed-Inflation swap conventions.
FixedInflationSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a Fixed-Inflation swap.
FixedInflationSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedInflationSwapCurveNode .
FixedInflationSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedInflationSwapCurveNode .
FixedInflationSwapTemplate |
An template for creating inflation swap trades.
FixedInflationSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedInflationSwapTemplate .
FixedInflationSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedInflationSwapTemplate .
FixedOvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation |
Defines a known annual fixed rate of interest that follows overnight compounding.
FixedOvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedOvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation .
FixedOvernightSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Overnight swap trades.
FixedOvernightSwapConventions |
Market standard Fixed-Overnight swap conventions.
FixedOvernightSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a Fixed-Overnight interest rate swap.
FixedOvernightSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedOvernightSwapCurveNode .
FixedOvernightSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedOvernightSwapCurveNode .
FixedOvernightSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Fixed-Overnight swap trades.
FixedOvernightSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedOvernightSwapTemplate .
FixedOvernightSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedOvernightSwapTemplate .
FixedRateCalculation |
Defines the calculation of a fixed rate swap leg.
FixedRateCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedRateCalculation .
FixedRateCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedRateCalculation .
FixedRateComputation |
Defines a known fixed rate of interest.
FixedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedRateComputation .
FixedRateStubCalculation |
Defines the rate applicable in the initial or final stub of a fixed swap leg.
FixedRateStubCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedRateStubCalculation .
FixedRateSwapLegConvention |
A market convention for the fixed leg of rate swap trades.
FixedRateSwapLegConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for FixedRateSwapLegConvention .
FixedRateSwapLegConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for FixedRateSwapLegConvention .
FixedScaleDecimal |
A decimal number based on Decimal with a fixed scale.
FixingRelativeTo |
The base date that each rate fixing is made relative to.
FixingSeriesCsvLoader |
Loads a set of historical fixing series into memory from CSV resources.
FloatingRate |
An index or group of indices used to provide floating rates, typically in interest rate swaps.
FloatingRateIndex |
An index used to provide floating rates, typically in interest rate swaps.
FloatingRateName |
A floating rate index name, such as Libor, Euribor or US Fed Fund.
FloatingRateNames |
Constants and implementations for commonly used Floating rate names.
FloatingRateType |
The type of a floating rate index.
FloatRateSwapLegConvention |
A market convention for the floating leg of rate swap trades based on an Ibor index or an Overnight index.
FormatCategory |
Defines categories of data types.
FormatSettings<T> |
Contains formatting settings for a specific type.
FormatSettings.Meta<T> |
The meta-bean for FormatSettings .
FormatSettingsProvider |
Provides and caches format settings across types.
ForwardFxIndexRates |
Provides access to rates for an FX index.
ForwardFxIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for ForwardFxIndexRates .
ForwardIborAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on the average of multiple fixings of a
single Ibor floating rate index.
ForwardIborInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of the fixing
on a single date of two Ibor indices.
ForwardIborRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for an Ibor index.
ForwardInflationEndInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of fixings
of a single price index.
ForwardInflationEndMonthRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a price index.
ForwardInflationInterpolatedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for rate based on the weighted average of fixings
of a single price index.
ForwardInflationMonthlyRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a price index.
ForwardOvernightAveragedDailyRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for an averaged daily rate for a single Overnight index.
ForwardOvernightAveragedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is arithmetically averaged.
ForwardOvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is compounded using an annual rate.
ForwardOvernightCompoundedRateComputationFn |
Rate computation implementation for a rate based on a single overnight index that is compounded.
FpmlDocument |
Provides data about the whole FpML document and parse helper methods.
FpmlDocumentParser |
Loader of trade data in FpML format.
FpmlParseException |
Exception thrown when parsing FpML.
FpmlParserPlugin |
Pluggable FpML trade parser.
FpmlPartySelector |
Finds the party representing "us" in FpML.
FpmlTradeInfoParserPlugin |
Pluggable FpML trade information parser.
Fra |
A forward rate agreement (FRA).
Fra.Builder |
The bean-builder for Fra .
Fra.Meta |
The meta-bean for Fra .
FraConvention |
A market convention for forward rate agreement (FRA) trades.
FraConventions |
Market standard FRA conventions.
FraCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a Forward Rate Agreement (FRA).
FraCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FraCurveNode .
FraCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FraCurveNode .
FraDiscountingMethod |
A convention defining how to discount Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs).
FraTemplate |
A template for creating a forward rate agreement (FRA) trade.
FraTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for FraTemplate .
FraTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FraTemplate .
FraTrade |
A trade in a forward rate agreement (FRA).
FraTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FraTrade .
FraTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FraTrade .
FraTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single FraTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
FraTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for forward rate agreement (FRA) trades.
Frequency |
A periodic frequency used by financial products that have a specific event every so often.
FunctionRequirements |
Specifies the market data required for a function to perform a calculation.
FunctionRequirements.Builder |
The bean-builder for FunctionRequirements .
FunctionRequirements.Meta |
The meta-bean for FunctionRequirements .
FunctionUtils |
Static utility methods useful when writing calculation functions.
FutureOptionPremiumStyle |
The style of premium for an option on a futures contract.
FutureValueNotional |
A future value notional amount for a fixed swap leg.
FutureValueNotional.Builder |
The bean-builder for FutureValueNotional .
FutureValueNotional.Meta |
The meta-bean for FutureValueNotional .
FxConvertible<R> |
Defines a standard mechanism for converting an object representing one or more
monetary amounts to a single currency.
FxForwardRates |
Provides access to rates for a currency pair.
FxForwardSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a forward rate of an FX rate for a currency pair.
FxForwardSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxForwardSensitivity .
FxIndex |
An index of foreign exchange rates.
FxIndexObservation |
Information about a single observation of an FX index.
FxIndexObservation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxIndexObservation .
FxIndexRates |
Provides access to rates for an FX index.
FxIndexSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a forward rate of an FX rate for an FX index.
FxIndexSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxIndexSensitivity .
FxIndices |
Constants and implementations for standard foreign exchange indices.
FxMatrix |
A matrix of foreign exchange rates.
FxMatrix.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxMatrix .
FxMatrixBuilder |
FxMatrixId |
Identifies the market data for an FX matrix.
FxNdf |
A Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF).
FxNdf.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxNdf .
FxNdf.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxNdf .
FxNdfTrade |
A trade in a Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF).
FxNdfTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxNdfTrade .
FxNdfTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxNdfTrade .
FxNdfTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single FxNdfTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
FxNdfTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for FX Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF) trades.
FxNdfTradeCsvPlugin |
Handles the CSV file format for FxNdf trades.
FxOptionMarketData |
Market data for FX options.
FxOptionMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to FX options volatilities in market data.
FxOptionProduct |
A foreign exchange product that is an option.
FxOptionScenarioMarketData |
Market data for FX options, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
FxOptionSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to an implied volatility for a FX option model.
FxOptionSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxOptionSensitivity .
FxOptionTrade |
A foreign exchange option trade such as a FxVanillaOptionTrade.
FxOptionVolatilities |
Volatilities for pricing FX options.
FxOptionVolatilitiesDefinition |
The definition of how to build FX option volatilities.
FxOptionVolatilitiesDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxOptionVolatilitiesDefinition .
FxOptionVolatilitiesId |
An identifier used to access FX option volatilities by name.
FxOptionVolatilitiesMarketDataFunction |
Market data function that builds FX option volatilities.
FxOptionVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of FX option volatilities.
FxOptionVolatilitiesNode |
A node in the configuration specifying how to build FX option volatilities.
FxOptionVolatilitiesNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxOptionVolatilitiesNode .
FxOptionVolatilitiesNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxOptionVolatilitiesNode .
FxOptionVolatilitiesSpecification |
The specification of how to build FX option volatilities.
FxProduct |
A foreign exchange product, such as an FX forward, FX spot or FX option.
FxRate |
A single foreign exchange rate between two currencies, such as 'EUR/USD 1.25'.
FxRate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxRate .
FxRateConfig |
Configuration defining how to create FxRate instances from observable market data.
FxRateConfig.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxRateConfig .
FxRateConfig.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxRateConfig .
FxRateId |
Identifies the market data for an FX rate.
FxRateLookup |
The lookup that provides access to FX rates in market data.
FxRateMarketDataFunction |
Function which builds FxRate instances from observable market data.
FxRateProvider |
A provider of FX rates.
FxRateScenarioArray |
A set of FX rates between two currencies containing rates for multiple scenarios.
FxRateScenarioArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxRateScenarioArray .
FxRatesCsvLoader |
Loads a set of FX rates into memory from CSV resources.
FxRateShifts |
A perturbation that applies different shifts to an FX rate.
FxRateShifts.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxRateShifts .
FxReset |
An FX rate conversion for the notional amount of a swap leg.
FxReset.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxReset .
FxResetCalculation |
Defines the calculation of an FX rate conversion for the notional amount of a swap leg.
FxResetCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxResetCalculation .
FxResetCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxResetCalculation .
FxResetFixingRelativeTo |
The base date that each FX reset fixing is made relative to.
FxResetNotionalExchange |
An exchange of notionals between two counterparties where FX reset applies.
FxResetNotionalExchange.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxResetNotionalExchange .
FxSingle |
A single foreign exchange, such as an FX forward or FX spot.
FxSingle.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSingle .
FxSingleBarrierOption |
FX (European) single barrier option.
FxSingleBarrierOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSingleBarrierOption .
FxSingleBarrierOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSingleBarrierOption .
FxSingleBarrierOptionMethod |
The method to use for pricing FX single barrier options.
FxSingleBarrierOptionTrade |
A trade in an FX single barrier option.
FxSingleBarrierOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSingleBarrierOptionTrade .
FxSingleBarrierOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSingleBarrierOptionTrade .
FxSingleBarrierOptionTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on an FX single barrier option trade for each of a set of scenarios.
FxSingleBarrierOptionTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for FX single barrier option trades.
FxSingleBarrierOptionTradeCsvPlugin |
Handles the CSV files format for FX Single Barrier Option trades.
FxSingleTrade |
A foreign exchange trade, such as an FX forward or FX spot.
FxSingleTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSingleTrade .
FxSingleTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSingleTrade .
FxSingleTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single FxSingleTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
FxSingleTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for single FX trades.
FxSwap |
An FX swap.
FxSwap.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSwap .
FxSwapConvention |
A market convention for FX Swap trades.
FxSwapConventions |
Market standard FX swap conventions.
FxSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is an FX Swap.
FxSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSwapCurveNode .
FxSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSwapCurveNode .
FxSwapTemplate |
A template for creating an FX swap trade.
FxSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSwapTemplate .
FxSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSwapTemplate .
FxSwapTrade |
A trade in an FX swap.
FxSwapTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxSwapTrade .
FxSwapTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxSwapTrade .
FxSwapTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single FxSwapTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
FxSwapTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for FX swap trades.
FxTrade |
A foreign exchange trade, such as an FX forward, FX spot or FX option.
FxVanillaOption |
A vanilla FX option.
FxVanillaOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxVanillaOption .
FxVanillaOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxVanillaOption .
FxVanillaOptionMethod |
The method to use for pricing FX vanilla options.
FxVanillaOptionTrade |
A trade in a vanilla FX option.
FxVanillaOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for FxVanillaOptionTrade .
FxVanillaOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxVanillaOptionTrade .
FxVanillaOptionTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on an FX vanilla option trade for each of a set of scenarios.
FxVanillaOptionTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for FX vanilla option trades.
FxVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a surface node with a specific time to expiry and strike.
FxVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for FxVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata .
Gamma |
GammaDistribution |
The Gamma distribution is a continuous probability distribution with cdf
F(x)=\frac{\gamma\left(k, \frac{x}{\theta}\right)}{\Gamma(k)}
and pdf
where $k$ is the shape parameter and $\theta$ is the scale parameter.
GammaFunction |
The gamma function is a generalization of the factorial to complex and real
GaussHermiteQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Gauss-Hermite quadrature approximates the value of integrals of the form
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} g(x) dx
The weights and abscissas are generated by GaussHermiteWeightAndAbscissaFunction .
GaussHermiteWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Class that generates weights and abscissas for Gauss-Hermite quadrature.
GaussianQuadratureData |
GaussianQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Class that performs integration using Gaussian quadrature.
GaussJacobiQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Gauss-Jacobi quadrature approximates the value of integrals of the form
\int_{-1}^{1} (1 - x)^\alpha (1 + x)^\beta f(x) dx
The weights and abscissas are generated by GaussJacobiWeightAndAbscissaFunction .
GaussJacobiWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Class that generates weights and abscissas for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature.
GaussLaguerreQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature approximates the value of integrals of the form
\int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-x}f(x) dx
The weights and abscissas are generated by GaussLaguerreWeightAndAbscissaFunction .
GaussLaguerreWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Class that generates weights and abscissas for Gauss-Laguerre quadrature.
GaussLegendreQuadratureIntegrator1D |
Gauss-Legendre quadrature approximates the value of integrals of the form
\int_{-1}^{1} f(x) dx
The weights and abscissas are generated by GaussLegendreWeightAndAbscissaFunction .
GaussLegendreWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Class that generates weights and abscissas for Gauss-Legendre quadrature.
GeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution |
The generalized extreme value distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions that combines the Gumbel (type I),
Fréchet (type II) and Weibull (type III) families of distributions.
GeneralizedLeastSquare |
Generalized least square method.
GeneralizedLeastSquareResults<T> |
Generalized least square calculator.
GeneralizedLeastSquaresRegression |
GeneralizedParetoDistribution |
Calculates the Pareto distribution.
GenericDoubleShifts |
A perturbation that applies different shifts to a double value.
GenericDoubleShifts.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericDoubleShifts .
GenericImpliedVolatiltySolver |
Finds an implied volatility (a parameter that put into a model gives the market pirce of an option)
for any option pricing model that has a 'volatility' parameter.
GenericSecurity |
A generic security, defined in terms of the value of each tick.
GenericSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericSecurity .
GenericSecurityPosition |
A position in a security, where the security is embedded ready for mark-to-market pricing.
GenericSecurityPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for GenericSecurityPosition .
GenericSecurityPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericSecurityPosition .
GenericSecurityPositionCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single GenericSecurityPosition for each of a set of scenarios.
GenericSecurityTrade |
A trade representing the purchase or sale of a security,
where the security is embedded ready for mark-to-market pricing.
GenericSecurityTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for GenericSecurityTrade .
GenericSecurityTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericSecurityTrade .
GenericSecurityTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single GenericSecurityTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
GenericSecurityTradeCsvPlugin |
Handles the CSV file format for Generic Security trades.
GenericVolatilitySurfacePeriodParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a generic volatility surface node with a specific period to expiry and strike.
GenericVolatilitySurfacePeriodParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericVolatilitySurfacePeriodParameterMetadata .
GenericVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a generic volatility surface node with a specific time to expiry and strike.
GenericVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for GenericVolatilitySurfaceYearFractionParameterMetadata .
GeometricMeanCalculator |
Calculates the geometric mean of a series of data.
GoldenSectionMinimizer1D |
GridSurfaceInterpolator |
A surface interpolator that is based on two curve interpolators.
GridSurfaceInterpolator.Meta |
The meta-bean for GridSurfaceInterpolator .
Guavate |
Utilities that help bridge the gap between Java 8 and Google Guava.
HermiteCoefficientsProvider |
Hermite interpolation is determined if one specifies first derivatives for a cubic
interpolant and first and second derivatives for a quintic interpolant.
HermitePolynomialFunction |
HistoricIborIndexRates |
Historic Ibor index rates, used for indices that are no longer active.
HistoricIborIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for HistoricIborIndexRates .
HistoricOvernightIndexRates |
Historic Overnight index rates, used for indices that are no longer active.
HistoricOvernightIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for HistoricOvernightIndexRates .
HistoricPriceIndexValues |
Historic Price index values, used for indices that are no longer active.
HistoricPriceIndexValues.Meta |
The meta-bean for HistoricPriceIndexValues .
HolidayCalendar |
A holiday calendar, classifying dates as holidays or business days.
HolidayCalendarId |
An identifier for a holiday calendar.
HolidayCalendarIds |
Identifiers for common holiday calendars.
HolidayCalendars |
Constants and implementations for standard holiday calendars.
HullWhiteIborFutureProductPricer |
Pricer for for Ibor future products.
HullWhiteIborFutureTradePricer |
Pricer for for Ibor future trades.
HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantInterestRateModel |
Methods related to the Hull-White one factor (extended Vasicek) model with piecewise constant volatility.
HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantParameters |
Data bundle related to the Hull-White one factor (extended Vasicek) model with piecewise constant volatility.
HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantParametersProvider |
Hull-White one factor model with piecewise constant volatility.
HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantParametersProvider.Meta |
The meta-bean for HullWhiteOneFactorPiecewiseConstantParametersProvider .
HullWhiteSwaptionPhysicalProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement in Hull-White one factor model with piecewise constant volatility.
HullWhiteSwaptionPhysicalTradePricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement in Hull-White one factor model with piecewise constant volatility.
HybridNodalCurve |
A hybrid curve which combines two underlying nodal curves,
allowing different interpolators to be used for different parts of the curve.
HybridNodalCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for HybridNodalCurve .
IborAveragedFixing |
A single fixing of an index that is observed by IborAveragedRateComputation .
IborAveragedFixing.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborAveragedFixing .
IborAveragedFixing.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborAveragedFixing .
IborAveragedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate of interest based on the average of multiple
fixings of a single Ibor floating rate index.
IborAveragedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborAveragedRateComputation .
IborCapFloor |
An Ibor cap/floor product.
IborCapFloor.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapFloor .
IborCapFloorLeg |
An Ibor cap/floor leg of a cap/floor product.
IborCapFloorLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapFloorLeg .
IborCapFloorLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapFloorLeg .
IborCapFloorMarketData |
Market data for Ibor cap/floor.
IborCapFloorMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to cap/floor volatilities in market data.
IborCapFloorScenarioMarketData |
Market data for cap/floors, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
IborCapFloorTrade |
A trade in an Ibor cap/floor.
IborCapFloorTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapFloorTrade .
IborCapFloorTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapFloorTrade .
IborCapFloorTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single IborCapFloorTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
IborCapFloorTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for cap/floor trades.
IborCapFloorTradeCsvPlugin |
Handles the CSV file format for CapFloor trades.
IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod |
A period over which an Ibor caplet/floorlet binary payoff is paid.
IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod .
IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod .
IborCapletFloorletPeriod |
A period over which an Ibor caplet/floorlet payoff is paid.
IborCapletFloorletPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapletFloorletPeriod .
IborCapletFloorletPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletPeriod .
IborCapletFloorletPeriodAmounts |
A map of double values keyed by Ibor caplet/floorlet periods.
IborCapletFloorletPeriodAmounts.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapletFloorletPeriodAmounts .
IborCapletFloorletPeriodAmounts.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletPeriodAmounts .
IborCapletFloorletPeriodCurrencyAmounts |
A map of currency amounts keyed by Ibor caplet/floorlet periods.
IborCapletFloorletPeriodCurrencyAmounts.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborCapletFloorletPeriodCurrencyAmounts .
IborCapletFloorletPeriodCurrencyAmounts.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletPeriodCurrencyAmounts .
IborCapletFloorletSabrSensitivity |
Sensitivity of a caplet/floorlet to SABR model parameters.
IborCapletFloorletSabrSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletSabrSensitivity .
IborCapletFloorletSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to Ibor caplet/floorlet implied parameter point.
IborCapletFloorletSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletSensitivity .
IborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatilities for pricing Ibor caplet/floorlet.
IborCapletFloorletVolatilitiesId |
An identifier used to access Ibor cap/floor volatilities by name.
IborCapletFloorletVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of Ibor cap/floor volatilities.
IborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationResult |
Calibration result for Ibor caplet/floorlet volatilities.
IborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationResult.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationResult .
IborCapletFloorletVolatilityDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
IborFixingDeposit |
An Ibor fixing deposit.
IborFixingDeposit.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFixingDeposit .
IborFixingDeposit.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFixingDeposit .
IborFixingDepositConvention |
A convention for Ibor fixing deposit trades.
IborFixingDepositCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is an Ibor fixing deposit.
IborFixingDepositCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFixingDepositCurveNode .
IborFixingDepositCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFixingDepositCurveNode .
IborFixingDepositTemplate |
A template for creating an Ibor fixing deposit trade.
IborFixingDepositTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFixingDepositTemplate .
IborFixingDepositTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFixingDepositTemplate .
IborFixingDepositTrade |
A trade in an Ibor fixing deposit.
IborFixingDepositTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFixingDepositTrade .
IborFixingDepositTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFixingDepositTrade .
IborFuture |
A futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFuture .
IborFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFuture .
IborFutureContractSpec |
A contract specification for exchange traded Ibor Futures.
IborFutureContractSpecs |
Market standard Ibor future conventions.
IborFutureConvention |
IborFutureConventions |
IborFutureCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is an Ibor Future.
IborFutureCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureCurveNode .
IborFutureCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureCurveNode .
IborFutureOption |
A futures option contract, based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureOption .
IborFutureOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureOption .
IborFutureOptionMarketData |
Market data for Ibor future options.
IborFutureOptionMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to Ibor future option volatilities in market data.
IborFutureOptionPosition |
A position in an option on a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureOptionPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureOptionPosition .
IborFutureOptionPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureOptionPosition .
IborFutureOptionScenarioMarketData |
Market data for Ibor future options, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
IborFutureOptionSecurity |
A security representing a futures option contract, based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureOptionSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureOptionSecurity .
IborFutureOptionSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureOptionSecurity .
IborFutureOptionSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to an implied volatility for a Ibor future option model.
IborFutureOptionSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureOptionSensitivity .
IborFutureOptionTrade |
A trade representing an option on a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureOptionTrade .
IborFutureOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureOptionTrade .
IborFutureOptionTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<IborFutureOption> & Resolvable<ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single IborFutureOptionTrade or IborFutureOptionPosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
IborFutureOptionTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for trades in an option contract based on an Ibor index future.
IborFutureOptionVolatilities |
Volatilities for pricing Ibor futures.
IborFutureOptionVolatilitiesId |
An identifier used to access Ibor future option volatilities by name.
IborFutureOptionVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of Ibor future option volatilities.
IborFuturePosition |
A position in a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFuturePosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFuturePosition .
IborFuturePosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFuturePosition .
IborFutureSecurity |
A security representing a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureSecurity .
IborFutureSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureSecurity .
IborFutureTemplate |
A template for creating an Ibor Future trade.
IborFutureTrade |
A trade representing a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborFutureTrade .
IborFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborFutureTrade .
IborFutureTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<IborFuture> & Resolvable<ResolvedIborFutureTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single IborFutureTrade or IborFuturePosition
for each of a set of scenarios.
IborFutureTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for trades in a futures contract based on an Ibor index.
IborIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
IborIborSwapConventions |
Market standard Ibor-Ibor swap conventions.
IborIborSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a Ibor-Ibor interest rate swap.
IborIborSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborIborSwapCurveNode .
IborIborSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborIborSwapCurveNode .
IborIborSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
IborIborSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborIborSwapTemplate .
IborIborSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborIborSwapTemplate .
IborIndex |
An inter-bank lending rate index, such as Libor or Euribor.
IborIndexObservation |
Defines the observation of a rate of interest from a single Ibor index.
IborIndexObservation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborIndexObservation .
IborIndexRates |
Provides access to rates for an Ibor index.
IborIndices |
Constants and implementations for commonly used Ibor indices.
IborInterpolatedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate of interest interpolated from two Ibor indices.
IborInterpolatedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborInterpolatedRateComputation .
IborRateCalculation |
Defines the calculation of a floating rate swap leg based on an Ibor index.
IborRateCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborRateCalculation .
IborRateCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborRateCalculation .
IborRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate of interest from a single Ibor index.
IborRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborRateComputation .
IborRateResetMethod |
A convention defining how to process a floating rate reset schedule.
IborRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a rate from an Ibor index curve.
IborRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborRateSensitivity .
IborRateStubCalculation |
Defines the rates applicable in the initial or final stub of an Ibor swap leg.
IborRateStubCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborRateStubCalculation .
IborRateStubCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborRateStubCalculation .
IborRateSwapLegConvention |
A market convention for the floating leg of rate swap trades based on an Ibor index.
IborRateSwapLegConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for IborRateSwapLegConvention .
IborRateSwapLegConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for IborRateSwapLegConvention .
IllegalArgFailureException |
Exception thrown when input is invalid.
ImmutableCdsConvention |
A market convention for credit default swap trades.
ImmutableCdsConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableCdsConvention .
ImmutableCdsConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableCdsConvention .
ImmutableCreditRatesProvider |
The immutable rates provider, used to calculate analytic measures.
ImmutableCreditRatesProvider.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableCreditRatesProvider .
ImmutableCreditRatesProvider.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableCreditRatesProvider .
ImmutableFixedIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Ibor swap trades.
ImmutableFixedIborSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFixedIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableFixedIborSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFixedIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableFixedInflationSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Inflation swap trades.
ImmutableFixedInflationSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFixedInflationSwapConvention .
ImmutableFixedInflationSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFixedInflationSwapConvention .
ImmutableFixedOvernightSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Overnight swap trades.
ImmutableFixedOvernightSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFixedOvernightSwapConvention .
ImmutableFixedOvernightSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFixedOvernightSwapConvention .
ImmutableFloatingRateName |
An immutable floating rate index name, such as Libor, Euribor or US Fed Fund.
ImmutableFloatingRateName.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFloatingRateName .
ImmutableFraConvention |
A market convention for forward rate agreement (FRA) trades.
ImmutableFraConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFraConvention .
ImmutableFraConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFraConvention .
ImmutableFxIndex |
A foreign exchange index implementation based on an immutable set of rules.
ImmutableFxIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFxIndex .
ImmutableFxIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFxIndex .
ImmutableFxSwapConvention |
A market convention for FX swap trades
ImmutableFxSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableFxSwapConvention .
ImmutableFxSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableFxSwapConvention .
ImmutableHolidayCalendar |
An immutable holiday calendar implementation.
ImmutableHolidayCalendar.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableHolidayCalendar .
ImmutableIborFixingDepositConvention |
A convention for Ibor fixing deposit trades.
ImmutableIborFixingDepositConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableIborFixingDepositConvention .
ImmutableIborFixingDepositConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableIborFixingDepositConvention .
ImmutableIborFutureContractSpec |
A contract specification for exchange traded Ibor Futures.
ImmutableIborFutureContractSpec.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableIborFutureContractSpec .
ImmutableIborFutureConvention |
ImmutableIborFutureConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableIborFutureConvention .
ImmutableIborFutureConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableIborFutureConvention .
ImmutableIborIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
ImmutableIborIborSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableIborIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableIborIborSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableIborIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableIborIndex |
An Ibor index implementation based on an immutable set of rules.
ImmutableIborIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableIborIndex .
ImmutableIborIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableIborIndex .
ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider |
An immutable provider of data for bond pricing, based on repo and issuer discounting.
ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider .
ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider .
ImmutableMarketData |
An immutable set of market data
ImmutableMarketData.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableMarketData .
ImmutableMarketDataBuilder |
ImmutableMeasure |
The default, immutable implementation of Measure .
ImmutableMeasure.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableMeasure .
ImmutableOvernightFutureContractSpec |
A contract specification for exchange traded Overnight Futures.
ImmutableOvernightFutureContractSpec.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableOvernightFutureContractSpec .
ImmutableOvernightIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Fixed-Overnight swap trades.
ImmutableOvernightIborSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableOvernightIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableOvernightIborSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableOvernightIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableOvernightIndex |
An overnight index, such as Sonia or Eonia.
ImmutableOvernightIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableOvernightIndex .
ImmutableOvernightIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableOvernightIndex .
ImmutablePriceIndex |
A price index implementation based on an immutable set of rules.
ImmutablePriceIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutablePriceIndex .
ImmutablePriceIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutablePriceIndex .
ImmutableRatesProvider |
The default immutable rates provider, used to calculate analytic measures.
ImmutableRatesProvider.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableRatesProvider .
ImmutableRatesProviderBuilder |
Builder for the immutable rates provider.
ImmutableRatesProviderGenerator |
Generates a rates provider based on an existing provider.
ImmutableReferenceData |
An immutable set of reference data
ImmutableReferenceData.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableReferenceData .
ImmutableScenarioMarketData |
An immutable set of market data across one or more scenarios.
ImmutableScenarioMarketData.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableScenarioMarketData .
ImmutableScenarioMarketDataBuilder |
A mutable builder for market data.
ImmutableSwapIndex |
A swap index implementation based on an immutable set of rules.
ImmutableSwapIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableSwapIndex .
ImmutableSwapIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableSwapIndex .
ImmutableTermDepositConvention |
A market convention for term deposit trades.
ImmutableTermDepositConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableTermDepositConvention .
ImmutableTermDepositConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableTermDepositConvention .
ImmutableThreeLegBasisSwapConvention |
A market convention for three leg basis swap trades.
ImmutableThreeLegBasisSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableThreeLegBasisSwapConvention .
ImmutableThreeLegBasisSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableThreeLegBasisSwapConvention .
ImmutableXCcyIborIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for cross-currency Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
ImmutableXCcyIborIborSwapConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for ImmutableXCcyIborIborSwapConvention .
ImmutableXCcyIborIborSwapConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for ImmutableXCcyIborIborSwapConvention .
ImpliedTrinomialTreeFxOptionCalibrator |
Utilities to calibrate implied trinomial tree to Black volatilities of FX options.
ImpliedTrinomialTreeFxSingleBarrierOptionProductPricer |
Pricer for FX barrier option products under implied trinomial tree.
ImpliedTrinomialTreeFxSingleBarrierOptionTradePricer |
Pricer for FX barrier option trades under implied trinomial tree.
ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator |
Local volatility calculation based on trinomila tree model.
IncompleteBetaFunction |
The incomplete beta function is defined as:
I_x(a, b)=\frac{B_x(a, b)}{B(a, b)}\int_0^x t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt
where $a,b>0$.
IncompleteGammaFunction |
The incomplete gamma function is defined as:
P(a, x) = \frac{\gamma(a, x)}{\Gamma(a)}\int_0^x e^{-t}t^{a-1}dt
where $a > 0$.
Index |
An index of values, such as LIBOR, FED FUND or daily exchange rates.
IndexAboveQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
IndexObservation |
A single observation of an index.
IndexQuoteId |
An identifier used to access the current value of an index.
InflationEndInterpolatedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of inflation figures from a price index with interpolation
where the start index value is known.
InflationEndInterpolatedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationEndInterpolatedRateComputation .
InflationEndMonthRateComputation |
Defines the computation of inflation figures from a price index
where the start index value is known.
InflationEndMonthRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationEndMonthRateComputation .
InflationInterpolatedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of inflation figures from a price index with interpolation.
InflationInterpolatedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationInterpolatedRateComputation .
InflationMonthlyRateComputation |
Defines the computation of inflation figures from a price index.
InflationMonthlyRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationMonthlyRateComputation .
InflationNodalCurve |
Curve specifically designed for inflation, with features for seasonality and initial point.
InflationNodalCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationNodalCurve .
InflationRateCalculation |
Defines the calculation of a swap leg of a zero-coupon inflation coupon based on a price index.
InflationRateCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for InflationRateCalculation .
InflationRateCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationRateCalculation .
InflationRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a rate from a price index curve.
InflationRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationRateSensitivity .
InflationRateSwapLegConvention |
A market convention for the floating leg of rate swap trades based on a price index.
InflationRateSwapLegConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for InflationRateSwapLegConvention .
InflationRateSwapLegConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for InflationRateSwapLegConvention .
IniFile |
An INI file.
IniFileOutput |
Outputs an INI formatted file.
IntArray |
An immutable array of int values.
IntDoubleConsumer |
An operation consuming two arguments - int and double .
IntDoublePair |
An immutable pair consisting of an int and double .
IntDoublePair.Meta |
The meta-bean for IntDoublePair .
IntDoublePredicate |
A predicate of two arguments - int and double .
IntDoubleToDoubleFunction |
A function of two arguments - int and double .
Integrator<T,U,V> |
Interface for integration.
Integrator1D<T,U> |
Class for defining the integration of 1-D functions.
Integrator2D<T,U> |
Class for defining the integration of 2-D functions.
IntegratorRepeated2D |
Two dimensional integration by repeated one dimensional integration using Integrator1D .
InterpolatedNodalCurve |
A curve based on interpolation between a number of nodal points.
InterpolatedNodalCurve.Builder |
The bean-builder for InterpolatedNodalCurve .
InterpolatedNodalCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for InterpolatedNodalCurve .
InterpolatedNodalCurveDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate an interpolated nodal curve.
InterpolatedNodalCurveDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for InterpolatedNodalCurveDefinition .
InterpolatedNodalCurveDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for InterpolatedNodalCurveDefinition .
InterpolatedNodalSurface |
A surface based on interpolation between a number of nodal points.
InterpolatedNodalSurface.Builder |
The bean-builder for InterpolatedNodalSurface .
InterpolatedNodalSurface.Meta |
The meta-bean for InterpolatedNodalSurface .
InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure |
An interpolated term structure of smiles as used in Forex market.
InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure.Meta |
The meta-bean for InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure .
InterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
IntIntConsumer |
An operation consuming two arguments - int and int .
IntIntDoubleConsumer |
An operation consuming three arguments - int , int and double .
IntIntDoublePredicate |
A predicate of three arguments - int , int and double .
IntIntDoubleToDoubleFunction |
A function of three arguments - int , int and double .
IntIntToDoubleFunction |
A function of two arguments - int and int .
IntLongConsumer |
An operation consuming two arguments - int and long .
IntLongToLongFunction |
A function of two arguments - int and long .
IntTernaryOperator |
A function of three arguments that returns a value.
InverseIncompleteBetaFunction |
InverseIncompleteGammaFunction |
InverseJacobianDirectionFunction |
InverseJacobianEstimateInitializationFunction |
InverseTridiagonalMatrixCalculator |
Direct inversion of a tridiagonal matrix using the method from
IsdaCdsProductPricer |
Pricer for single-name credit default swaps (CDS) based on ISDA standard model.
IsdaCdsTradePricer |
Pricer for single-name credit default swaps (CDS) trade based on ISDA standard model.
IsdaCompliantCreditCurveCalibrator |
ISDA compliant credit curve calibrator.
IsdaCompliantDiscountCurveCalibrator |
ISDA compliant discount curve calibrator.
IsdaCompliantIndexCurveCalibrator |
ISDA compliant index curve calibrator.
IsdaCreditCurveDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate an ISDA compliant curve for credit.
IsdaCreditCurveDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for IsdaCreditCurveDefinition .
IsdaCreditCurveNode |
A node specifying how to calibrate an ISDA compliant curve.
IsdaCreditDiscountFactors |
ISDA compliant zero rate discount factors.
IsdaCreditDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for IsdaCreditDiscountFactors .
IsdaHomogenousCdsIndexProductPricer |
Pricer for CDS portfolio index based on ISDA standard model.
IsdaHomogenousCdsIndexTradePricer |
Pricer for CDS portfolio index trade based on ISDA standard model.
IssuerCurveDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for an issuer curve.
IssuerCurveDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for IssuerCurveDiscountFactors .
IssuerCurveInputsId |
An identifier used to access the inputs to curve calibration.
IssuerCurveZeroRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to the issuer curve.
IssuerCurveZeroRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for IssuerCurveZeroRateSensitivity .
IterableTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against an iterable object and returns a value.
JacobianCalibrationMatrix |
Jacobian matrix information produced during curve calibration.
JacobianCalibrationMatrix.Meta |
The meta-bean for JacobianCalibrationMatrix .
JacobianDirectionFunction |
JacobianEstimateInitializationFunction |
JacobiPolynomialFunction |
JumpToDefault |
The result of calculating Jump-To-Default.
JumpToDefault.Meta |
The meta-bean for JumpToDefault .
KnockType |
The knock type of barrier event.
KnownAmountBondPaymentPeriod |
A period within a swap that results in a known amount.
KnownAmountBondPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for KnownAmountBondPaymentPeriod .
KnownAmountBondPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for KnownAmountBondPaymentPeriod .
KnownAmountNotionalSwapPaymentPeriod |
A period within a swap that results in a known amount.
KnownAmountNotionalSwapPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for KnownAmountNotionalSwapPaymentPeriod .
KnownAmountNotionalSwapPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for KnownAmountNotionalSwapPaymentPeriod .
KnownAmountSwapLeg |
A fixed swap leg defined in terms of known amounts.
KnownAmountSwapLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for KnownAmountSwapLeg .
KnownAmountSwapLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for KnownAmountSwapLeg .
KnownAmountSwapPaymentPeriod |
A period within a swap that results in a known amount.
KnownAmountSwapPaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for KnownAmountSwapPaymentPeriod .
KnownAmountSwapPaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for KnownAmountSwapPaymentPeriod .
LabelDateParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a date and label.
LabelDateParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for LabelDateParameterMetadata .
LabelParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a label.
LabelParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for LabelParameterMetadata .
LaguerrePolynomialFunction |
LaguerrePolynomialRealRootFinder |
Class that calculates the real roots of a polynomial using Laguerre's method.
LaplaceDistribution |
The Laplace distribution is a continuous probability distribution with probability density function
where $\mu$ is the location parameter and $b$ is the scale parameter.
LatticeSpecification |
Lattice specification interface.
LeastSquareResults |
Container for the results of a least square (minimum chi-square) fit, where some model (with a set of parameters), is calibrated
to a data set.
LeastSquareResultsWithTransform |
Container for the results of a least square (minimum chi-square) fit, where some model (with a set of parameters), is calibrated
to a data set, but the model parameters are first transformed to some fitting parameters (usually to impose some constants).
LeastSquaresRegression |
LeastSquaresRegressionResult |
Contains the result of a least squares regression.
LeastSquareWithPenaltyResults |
LegalEntity |
A legal entity.
LegalEntityCurveGroup |
A group of repo curves and issuer curves.
LegalEntityCurveGroup.Builder |
The bean-builder for LegalEntityCurveGroup .
LegalEntityCurveGroup.Meta |
The meta-bean for LegalEntityCurveGroup .
LegalEntityCurveGroupId |
An identifier used to access a curve group by name.
LegalEntityDiscountingMarketData |
Market data for products based on repo and issuer curves.
LegalEntityDiscountingMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to legal entity discounting in market data.
LegalEntityDiscountingProvider |
A provider of data for bond pricing, based on repo and issuer discounting.
LegalEntityDiscountingScenarioMarketData |
Market data for products based on repo and issuer curves, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
LegalEntityGroup |
Legal entity group.
LegalEntityId |
An identifier for a legal entity.
LegalEntityInformation |
Legal entity information.
LegalEntityInformation.Meta |
The meta-bean for LegalEntityInformation .
LegalEntityInformationId |
Identifies the market data for legal entity information.
LegalEntityRatesCurvesCsvLoader |
Loads a set of legal entity rates curves into memory by reading from CSV resources.
LegalEntitySecurity |
An instrument representing a security associated with a legal entity.
LegalEntitySurvivalProbabilities |
The legal entity survival probabilities.
LegalEntitySurvivalProbabilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for LegalEntitySurvivalProbabilities .
LegAmount |
Represents an amount of a currency associated with one leg of an instrument.
LegAmounts |
A collection of leg amounts.
LegAmounts.Meta |
The meta-bean for LegAmounts .
LegendrePolynomialFunction |
LightweightPositionCsvInfoResolver |
Resolves additional information when parsing position CSV files.
LinearInterpolator |
Interpolate consecutive two points by a straight line.
LoaderUtils |
Contains utilities for loading market data from input files.
LocalDateDoublePoint |
Immutable representation of a single point in a LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries .
LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries |
Interface for all local date time-series types containing
double values.
LocalDateDoubleTimeSeriesBuilder |
Builder to create the immutable LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries .
LocalVolatilityCalculator |
Local volatility calculation.
LogCubicSplineNaturalSolver |
For specific cubic spline interpolations, polynomial coefficients are determined by the tridiagonal algorithm.
LogMoneynessStrike |
A strike based on log-moneyness.
LogMoneynessStrike.Meta |
The meta-bean for LogMoneynessStrike .
LogNaturalSplineHelper |
LognormalFisherKurtosisFromVolatilityCalculator |
LognormalSkewnessFromVolatilityCalculator |
LongArray |
An immutable array of long values.
LongDoublePair |
An immutable pair consisting of a long and double .
LongDoublePair.Meta |
The meta-bean for LongDoublePair .
LongShort |
Flag indicating whether a trade is "long" or "short".
LongTernaryOperator |
A function of three arguments that returns a value.
LUDecompositionCommons |
LUDecompositionCommonsResult |
LUDecompositionResult |
Contains the results of LU matrix decomposition.
MapStream<K,V> |
A stream implementation based on Map.Entry .
MapTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a map.
MarketData |
Provides access to market data, such as curves, surfaces and time-series.
MarketDataBox<T> |
A box which can provide values for an item of market data used in scenarios.
MarketDataConfig |
Configuration required for building non-observable market data, for example curves or surfaces.
MarketDataConfig.Meta |
The meta-bean for MarketDataConfig .
MarketDataConfigBuilder |
MarketDataFactory |
Component that provides the ability to source and calibrate market data.
MarketDataFilter<T,I extends MarketDataId<T>> |
Encapsulates a rule or set of rules to decide whether a perturbation applies to a piece of market data.
MarketDataFunction<T,I extends MarketDataId<? extends T>> |
A market data function creates items of market data for a set of market data IDs.
MarketDataFxRateProvider |
Provides FX rates from market data.
MarketDataId<T> |
An identifier for a unique item of market data.
MarketDataName<T> |
A name for an item of market data.
MarketDataNotFoundException |
Exception thrown if market data cannot be found.
MarketDataRequirements |
Requirements for market data.
MarketDataRequirements.Meta |
The meta-bean for MarketDataRequirements .
MarketDataRequirementsBuilder |
MarketDataView |
A high-level view of a single item of market data.
MarketQuoteMeasure<T extends ResolvedTrade> |
Provides market quote measures for a single type of trade based on functions.
MarketQuoteSensitivityCalculator |
Calculator to obtain the Market Quote sensitivities.
MarketTenor |
A code used in the market to indicate both the start date and tenor of a financial instrument.
MathException |
Exception thrown by math.
MathUtils |
Simple utilities for maths.
Matrix |
Base interface for all matrix types.
MatrixAlgebra |
Parent class for matrix algebra operations.
MatrixAlgebraFactory |
Factory class for various types of matrix algebra calculators.
MatrixFieldFirstOrderDifferentiator |
Matrix field first order differentiator.
MatrixValidate |
MeanCalculator |
Calculates the arithmetic mean of a series of data.
Measure |
Identifies a measure that can be produced by the system.
Measures |
The standard set of measures that can be calculated by Strata.
MedianCalculator |
Calculates the median of a series of data.
MersenneTwister |
MersenneTwister (MT19937) is one of the strongest uniform pseudo-random number generators known so far; at the same time it is quick.
MersenneTwister64 |
Same as MersenneTwister except that method raw() returns 64 bit random numbers instead of 32 bit random numbers.
Messages |
Contains utility methods for managing messages.
MidwayInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
Minimizer<F extends Function<S,?>,S> |
Interface that finds the minimum value of a function.
MinimizerWithGradient<F extends Function<S,?>,G extends Function<S,?>,S> |
Interface for classes that extends the functionality of Minimizer by providing a method that takes a gradient function.
MinimumBracketer |
ModeCalculator |
The mode of a series of data is the value that occurs more frequently in the data set.
Money |
An amount of a currency, rounded to match the currency specifications.
MoneynessStrike |
A strike based on moneyness.
MoneynessStrike.Meta |
The meta-bean for MoneynessStrike .
MoneynessType |
The approach used for simple moneyness.
MonotonicityPreservingCubicSplineInterpolator |
Filter for local monotonicity of cubic spline interpolation based on
MultiCurrencyAmount |
A map of currency amounts keyed by currency.
MultiCurrencyAmount.Meta |
The meta-bean for MultiCurrencyAmount .
MultiCurrencyAmountArray |
An array of multi-currency amounts.
MultiCurrencyAmountArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for MultiCurrencyAmountArray .
MultiCurrencyScenarioArray |
A currency-convertible scenario array for multi-currency amounts, holding one amount for each scenario.
MultiCurrencyScenarioArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for MultiCurrencyScenarioArray .
MutablePointSensitivities |
Mutable builder for sensitivity to a group of curves.
Named |
A named instance.
NamedEnum |
A named enum instance.
NamedLookup<T extends Named> |
A lookup for named instances.
NamedMarketDataId<T> |
An identifier for a unique item of market data that can has a non-unique name.
NamedVariableLeastSquaresRegressionResult |
NaturalLogGammaFunction |
NaturalSplineInterpolator |
Natural cubic spline interpolation.
NearestIndexQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
NegativeRateMethod |
A convention defining how to handle a negative interest rate.
NewtonDefaultUpdateFunction |
NewtonDefaultVectorRootFinder |
A root finder that attempts find the multi-dimensional root of a series of N equations with N variables (a square problem).
NewtonRaphsonSingleRootFinder |
Class for finding the real root of a function within a range of $x$-values using the one-dimensional version of Newton's method.
NewtonRootFinderDirectionFunction |
NewtonRootFinderMatrixInitializationFunction |
NewtonRootFinderMatrixUpdateFunction |
NewtonVectorRootFinder |
Performs Newton-Raphson style multi-dimensional root finding.
NodalCurve |
A curve based on double nodal points.
NodalCurveDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate a nodal curve.
NodalSurface |
A surface based on double nodal points.
NonCentralChiSquaredDistribution |
The non-central chi-squared distribution is a continuous probability
distribution with probability density function
f_r(x) = \frac{e^-\frac{x + \lambda}{2}x^{\frac{r}{2} - 1}}{2^{\frac{r}{2}}}\sum_{k=0}^\infty
\frac{(\lambda k)^k}{2^{2k}k!\Gamma(k + \frac{r}{2})}
where $r$ is the number of degrees of freedom, $\lambda$ is the
non-centrality parameter and $\Gamma$ is the Gamma function ( GammaFunction ).
NonLinearLeastSquare |
Non linear least square calculator.
NonLinearLeastSquareWithPenalty |
Modification to NonLinearLeastSquare to use a penalty function add to the normal chi^2 term of the form $a^TPa$ where
$a$ is the vector of model parameters sort and P is some matrix.
NonLinearParameterTransforms |
Describes the transformation (and its inverse) from a set of n variables (e.g.
NonLinearTransformFunction |
NonnegativityPreservingCubicSplineInterpolator |
Filter for nonnegativity of cubic spline interpolation based on
Normal |
NormalBondYieldExpiryDurationVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the normal or Bachelier model based on a surface.
NormalBondYieldExpiryDurationVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalBondYieldExpiryDurationVolatilities .
NormalDistribution |
The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution with probability density function
f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e^{-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}
where $\mu$ is the mean and $\sigma$ the standard deviation of
the distribution.
NormalFormulaRepository |
The primary location for normal model formulas.
NormalIborCapFloorLegPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor legs in normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborCapFloorProductPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor products in normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborCapFloorTradePricer |
Pricer for cap/floor trades in normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the normal or Bachelier model based on a curve.
NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryFlatVolatilities .
NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the normal or Bachelier model based on a surface.
NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities .
NormalIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for caplet/floorlet in a normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborFutureOptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities |
Data provider of volatility for Ibor future options in the normal or Bachelier model.
NormalIborFutureOptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for NormalIborFutureOptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities .
NormalIborFutureOptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalIborFutureOptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities .
NormalIborFutureOptionMarginedProductPricer |
Pricer of options on Ibor future with a normal model on the underlying future price.
NormalIborFutureOptionMarginedTradePricer |
Pricer implementation for Ibor future option.
NormalIborFutureOptionVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor future options in the normal or Bachelier model.
NormalRandomNumberGenerator |
Random number generator based on ProbabilityDistribution .
NormalSabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor/Overnight caplet/floorlet in SABR model.
NormalSabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility environment for caplet/floorlet in the SABR model.
NormalSabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalSabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities .
NormalSwaptionCashParYieldProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with par yield curve method of cash settlement in a normal model on the swap rate.
NormalSwaptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the normal or Bachelier model based on a surface.
NormalSwaptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalSwaptionExpirySimpleMoneynessVolatilities .
NormalSwaptionExpiryStrikeVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the normal or Bachelier model based on a surface.
NormalSwaptionExpiryStrikeVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalSwaptionExpiryStrikeVolatilities .
NormalSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the normal or Bachelier model based on a surface.
NormalSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for NormalSwaptionExpiryTenorVolatilities .
NormalSwaptionPhysicalProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement in a normal model on the swap rate.
NormalSwaptionTradePricer |
Pricer for swaption trade in the normal model on the swap rate.
NormalSwaptionVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in the normal or Bachelier model.
NotionalEquivalentCalculator |
Calculator to obtain the notional equivalent.
NotionalExchange |
An exchange of notionals between two counterparties.
NotionalExchange.Meta |
The meta-bean for NotionalExchange .
NotionalPaymentPeriod |
A period over which interest is accrued with a single payment calculated using a notional.
NotionalSchedule |
Defines the schedule of notional amounts.
NotionalSchedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for NotionalSchedule .
NotionalSchedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for NotionalSchedule .
NullTransform |
Provides a null implementation of parameter transformation; the functions return unchanged values.
NumberFormatter |
Provides the ability to parse and format numbers.
ObjDoubleFunction<T,R> |
A function of two arguments - one object and one double .
ObjDoublePair<A> |
An immutable pair consisting of an Object and a double .
ObjDoublePair.Meta<A> |
The meta-bean for ObjDoublePair .
ObjDoublePredicate<T> |
A predicate of two arguments - one object and one double .
ObjDoubleToDoubleFunction<T> |
A function of two arguments - one object and one double - that returns a double .
ObjIntFunction<T,R> |
A function of two arguments - one object and one int .
ObjIntPair<A> |
An immutable pair consisting of an Object and an int .
ObjIntPair.Meta<A> |
The meta-bean for ObjIntPair .
ObjIntPredicate<T> |
A predicate of two arguments - one object and one int .
ObjLongFunction<T,R> |
A function of two arguments - one object and one long .
ObjLongPredicate<T> |
A predicate of two arguments - one object and one long .
ObservableDataProvider |
A provider of observable market data.
ObservableId |
A market data identifier that identifies observable data.
ObservableSource |
Identifies the source of observable market data, for example Bloomberg or Reuters.
OGMatrixAlgebra |
A minimal implementation of matrix algebra.
OptionFunction |
Option function interface used in trinomial tree option pricing.
OrdinaryLeastSquaresRegression |
OrthogonalPolynomialFunctionGenerator |
OrthonormalHermitePolynomialFunction |
OvernightAccrualMethod |
The method of accruing interest based on an Overnight index.
OvernightAveragedDailyRateComputation |
Defines the computation of an averaged daily rate for a single Overnight index.
OvernightAveragedDailyRateComputation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightAveragedDailyRateComputation .
OvernightAveragedDailyRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightAveragedDailyRateComputation .
OvernightAveragedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate from a single Overnight index that is averaged daily.
OvernightAveragedRateComputation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightAveragedRateComputation .
OvernightAveragedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightAveragedRateComputation .
OvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate from a single overnight index that follows
overnight compounding using an annualized rate.
OvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation .
OvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightCompoundedAnnualRateComputation .
OvernightCompoundedRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate from a single Overnight index that is compounded daily.
OvernightCompoundedRateComputation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightCompoundedRateComputation .
OvernightCompoundedRateComputation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightCompoundedRateComputation .
OvernightFuture |
A futures contract based on an Overnight index.
OvernightFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightFuture .
OvernightFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightFuture .
OvernightFutureContractSpec |
A contract specification for exchange traded Overnight Futures.
OvernightFutureContractSpecs |
Commonly traded Overnight future contract specifications.
OvernightFutureCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is an Overnight Future.
OvernightFutureCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightFutureCurveNode .
OvernightFutureCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightFutureCurveNode .
OvernightFuturePosition |
A futures contract based on an Overnight index.
OvernightFuturePosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightFuturePosition .
OvernightFuturePosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightFuturePosition .
OvernightFutureSecurity |
A security representing a futures contract based on an Overnight rate index.
OvernightFutureSecurity.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightFutureSecurity .
OvernightFutureSecurity.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightFutureSecurity .
OvernightFutureTemplate |
A template for creating an Overnight Future trade.
OvernightFutureTrade |
A trade representing a futures contract based on an Overnight index.
OvernightFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightFutureTrade .
OvernightFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightFutureTrade .
OvernightFutureTradeCalculationFunction<T extends SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<OvernightFuture> & Resolvable<ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade>> |
Perform calculations on a single OvernightFutureTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
OvernightFutureTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for trades in a futures contract based on an Overnight rate index.
OvernightIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for Overnight-Ibor swap trades.
OvernightIborSwapConventions |
Market standard Fixed-Overnight swap conventions.
OvernightIborSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is an Overnight-Ibor interest rate swap.
OvernightIborSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightIborSwapCurveNode .
OvernightIborSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightIborSwapCurveNode .
OvernightIborSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Overnight-Ibor swap trades.
OvernightIborSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightIborSwapTemplate .
OvernightIborSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightIborSwapTemplate .
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod |
A period over which an binary caplet/floorlet on overnight composition in-arrears is paid.
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod .
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriod .
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriod |
A period over which an caplet/floorlet on overnight composition in-arrears is paid.
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriod .
OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriod .
OvernightIndex |
An Overnight index, such as Sonia or Eonia.
OvernightIndexObservation |
Information about a single observation of an Overnight index.
OvernightIndexObservation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightIndexObservation .
OvernightIndexObservation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightIndexObservation .
OvernightIndexRates |
Provides access to rates for an Overnight index.
OvernightIndices |
Constants and implementations for standard Overnight rate indices.
OvernightRateCalculation |
Defines the calculation of a floating rate swap leg based on an Overnight index.
OvernightRateCalculation.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightRateCalculation .
OvernightRateCalculation.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightRateCalculation .
OvernightRateComputation |
Defines the computation of a rate from a single Overnight index.
OvernightRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a rate from an Overnight index curve.
OvernightRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightRateSensitivity .
OvernightRateSwapLegConvention |
A market convention for the floating leg of rate swap trades based on an Overnight index.
OvernightRateSwapLegConvention.Builder |
The bean-builder for OvernightRateSwapLegConvention .
OvernightRateSwapLegConvention.Meta |
The meta-bean for OvernightRateSwapLegConvention .
Pair<A,B> |
An immutable pair consisting of two elements.
Pair.Meta<A,B> |
The meta-bean for Pair .
ParabolicMinimumBracketer |
ParallelShiftedCurve |
A curve with a parallel shift applied to its y-values.
ParallelShiftedCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for ParallelShiftedCurve .
ParameterizedCurve |
A parameterised curve that gives the both the curve (the function y=f(x) where x and y are scalars) and the
curve sensitivity (dy/dp where p is one of the parameters) for given parameters.
ParameterizedCurveVectorFunction |
ParameterizedCurveVectorFunctionProvider |
ParameterizedData |
An abstraction of market data in terms of a number of arbitrary double parameters.
ParameterizedDataCombiner |
Helper that can be used to combine two or more underlying instances of ParameterizedData .
ParameterizedFunction<S,T,U> |
ParameterizedFunctionalCurve |
A curve based on a parameterized function.
ParameterizedFunctionalCurve.Builder |
The bean-builder for ParameterizedFunctionalCurve .
ParameterizedFunctionalCurve.Meta |
The meta-bean for ParameterizedFunctionalCurve .
ParameterizedFunctionalCurveDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate a parameterized functional curve.
ParameterizedFunctionalCurveDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for ParameterizedFunctionalCurveDefinition .
ParameterizedFunctionalCurveDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for ParameterizedFunctionalCurveDefinition .
ParameterizedSurface |
A parameterised surface that gives the both the surface (the function z=f(xy) where xy is
a 2D point and z is a scalar) and the surface sensitivity
(dz/dp where p is one of the parameters) for given parameters.
ParameterLimitsTransform |
Interface for objects containing functions that can transform constrained model parameters into
unconstrained fitting parameters and vice versa.
ParameterLimitsTransform.LimitType |
Types of the limits.
ParameterMetadata |
Information about a single parameter.
ParameterPerturbation |
A function interface that allows a single parameter to be perturbed.
ParameterSize |
The market data name and the associated number of parameters.
ParameterSize.Meta |
The meta-bean for ParameterSize .
ParseFailureException |
Exception thrown when parsing.
Payment |
A single payment of a known amount on a specific date.
Payment.Builder |
The bean-builder for Payment .
Payment.Meta |
The meta-bean for Payment .
PaymentOnDefault |
The payment on default.
PaymentRelativeTo |
The base date that each payment is made relative to.
PaymentSchedule |
Defines the schedule of payment dates relative to the accrual periods.
PaymentSchedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for PaymentSchedule .
PaymentSchedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for PaymentSchedule .
PayReceive |
Flag indicating whether a financial instrument is "pay" or "receive".
PenaltyMatrixGenerator |
The k^th order difference matrix will act on a vector to produce the k^th order difference series.
Percentage |
A percentage amount, with a maximum of 10 decimal places.
PercentileCalculator |
For a series of data $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n$, the percentile is the value $x$
below which a certain percentage of the data fall.
PeriodAdditionConvention |
A convention defining how a period is added to a date.
PeriodAdditionConventions |
Constants and implementations for standard period addition conventions.
PeriodAdjustment |
An adjustment that alters a date by adding a period of calendar days, months and years.
PeriodAdjustment.Builder |
The bean-builder for PeriodAdjustment .
PeriodAdjustment.Meta |
The meta-bean for PeriodAdjustment .
PeriodicSchedule |
Definition of a periodic schedule.
PeriodicSchedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for PeriodicSchedule .
PeriodicSchedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for PeriodicSchedule .
PerturbationMapping<T> |
Contains a market data perturbation and a filter that decides what market data it applies to.
PerturbationMapping.Builder<T> |
The bean-builder for PerturbationMapping .
PerturbationMapping.Meta<T> |
The meta-bean for PerturbationMapping .
PhysicalSwaptionSettlement |
Defines the physical settlement type for the payoff of a swaption.
PhysicalSwaptionSettlement.Meta |
The meta-bean for PhysicalSwaptionSettlement .
PiecewiseCubicHermiteSplineInterpolator |
C1 cubic interpolation preserving monotonicity based on
Fritsch, F.
PiecewiseCubicHermiteSplineInterpolatorWithSensitivity |
C1 cubic interpolation preserving monotonicity based on
Fritsch, F.
PiecewisePolynomialFunction1D |
PiecewisePolynomialFunction2D |
Computes value, first derivative and integral of piecewise polynomial function.
PiecewisePolynomialInterpolator |
Abstract class for interpolations based on piecewise polynomial functions .
PiecewisePolynomialInterpolator2D |
Abstract class for interpolations based on 2d piecewise polynomial functions .
PiecewisePolynomialResult |
Result of interpolation by piecewise polynomial containing
_knots: Positions of knots
_coefMatrix: Coefficient matrix whose i-th row vector is { a_n, a_{n-1}, ...}
for the i-th interval, where a_n, a_{n-1},...
PiecewisePolynomialResult2D |
Result of 2D interpolation.
PiecewisePolynomialResultsWithSensitivity |
Result of interpolation by piecewise polynomial containing
knots: Positions of knots
coefMatrix: Coefficient matrix whose i-th row vector is { a_n, a_{n-1}, ...}
for the i-th interval, where a_n, a_{n-1},...
PiecewisePolynomialWithSensitivityFunction1D |
PointSensitivities |
A collection of point sensitivities.
PointSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for PointSensitivities .
PointSensitivity |
Point sensitivity.
PointSensitivityBuilder |
Builder used to create point sensitivities.
PointShifts |
A perturbation that applies different shifts to specific points in a parameterized data.
PointShifts.Meta |
The meta-bean for PointShifts .
PointShiftsBuilder |
Polynomial1DRootFinder<T> |
PolynomialsLeastSquaresFitter |
Derive coefficients of n-degree polynomial that minimizes least squares error of fit by
using QR decomposition and back substitution.
PolynomialsLeastSquaresFitterResult |
Contains the result of a least squares regression for polynomial.
PopulationStandardDeviationCalculator |
Calculates the population standard deviation of a series of data.
PopulationVarianceCalculator |
Calculates the population variance of a series of data.
PortfolioItem |
An item in a portfolio.
PortfolioItemInfo |
Additional information about a portfolio item.
PortfolioItemInfoBuilder<T extends PortfolioItemInfo> |
Interface across the various info builder classes.
PortfolioItemSummary |
A summary of a portfolio item.
PortfolioItemSummary.Builder |
The bean-builder for PortfolioItemSummary .
PortfolioItemType |
The type of a portfolio item.
Position |
A position in a security.
PositionCsvInfoResolver |
Resolves additional information when parsing position CSV files.
PositionCsvLoader |
Loads positions from CSV files.
PositionCsvParserPlugin |
Pluggable CSV position parser.
PositionInfo |
Additional information about a position.
PositionInfo.Meta |
The meta-bean for PositionInfo .
PositionInfoBuilder |
Builder to create PositionInfo .
PositionTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a trade to produce another object.
PositiveOrZero |
A function from a vector x ( DoubleArray to Boolean that returns true
iff all the elements of x are positive or zero.
PresentValueCalibrationMeasure<T extends ResolvedTrade> |
Provides calibration measures for a single type of trade based on functions.
PriceIndex |
An index of prices.
PriceIndexCalculationMethod |
Reference price index calculation method.
PriceIndexObservation |
Information about a single observation of a Price index.
PriceIndexObservation.Meta |
The meta-bean for PriceIndexObservation .
PriceIndexValues |
Provides access to the values of a price index.
PriceIndices |
Constants and implementations for standard price indices.
PriceType |
Enumerates the types of price that can be returned.
PricingException |
Exception thrown when pricing fails.
Probability |
Custom tailored numerical integration of certain probability distributions.
ProbabilityDistribution<T> |
Interface for probability distributions.
Product |
The product details of a financial instrument.
ProductPiecewisePolynomialInterpolator |
Given a data set {xValues[i], yValues[i]}, interpolate {xValues[i], xValues[i] * yValues[i]} by a piecewise polynomial function.
ProductTrade |
A trade that is directly based on a product.
ProductType |
The type of a portfolio item.
PropertiesFile |
A properties file.
PropertySet |
A map of key-value properties.
ProtectionStartOfDay |
The protection start of the day.
PSplineFitter |
P-Spline fitter.
PutCall |
Flag indicating whether a trade is "put" or "call".
QRDecompositionCommons |
QRDecompositionCommonsResult |
QRDecompositionResult |
Contains the results of QR matrix decomposition.
QuadraticRealRootFinder |
Class that calculates the real roots of a quadratic function.
QuadratureWeightAndAbscissaFunction |
Interface for classes that generate weights and abscissas for use in Gaussian quadrature.
QuantileCalculationMethod |
Abstract method to estimate quantiles and expected shortfalls from sample observations.
QuantileResult |
QuantileResult.Meta |
The meta-bean for QuantileResult .
Quote |
A quoted value for a given security, such as an equity or future.
Quote.Meta |
The meta-bean for Quote .
QuoteId |
An identifier used to access a market quote.
QuoteScenarioArray |
Container for values for an item of quoted market data in multiple scenarios.
QuoteScenarioArray.Meta |
The meta-bean for QuoteScenarioArray .
QuoteScenarioArrayId |
An identifier identifying a QuoteScenarioArray containing values for a piece
of quoted market data in multiple scenarios.
QuoteScenarioArrayId.Meta |
The meta-bean for QuoteScenarioArrayId .
QuotesCsvLoader |
Loads a set of quotes into memory from CSV resources.
RandomEngine |
Abstract base class for uniform pseudo-random number generating engines.
RandomNumberGenerator |
Generator of random numbers.
RateAccrualPeriod |
A period over which a fixed or floating rate is accrued.
RateAccrualPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for RateAccrualPeriod .
RateAccrualPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for RateAccrualPeriod .
RateCalculation |
The accrual calculation part of an interest rate swap leg.
RateCalculationSwapLeg |
A rate swap leg defined using a parameterized schedule and calculation.
RateCalculationSwapLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for RateCalculationSwapLeg .
RateCalculationSwapLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for RateCalculationSwapLeg .
RateComputation |
Defines a mechanism for computing a rate.
RateComputationFn<T extends RateComputation> |
Computes a rate.
RateIndex |
A index of interest rates, such as an Overnight or Inter-Bank rate.
RateIndexSecurity |
An instrument representing a security associated with a rate index.
RatePaymentPeriod |
A period over which a rate of interest is paid.
RatePaymentPeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for RatePaymentPeriod .
RatePaymentPeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatePaymentPeriod .
RatePeriodSwapLeg |
A rate swap leg defined using payment and accrual periods.
RatePeriodSwapLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for RatePeriodSwapLeg .
RatePeriodSwapLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatePeriodSwapLeg .
RatesCalibrationCsvLoader |
Loads a set of definitions to calibrate rates curves by reading from CSV resources.
RatesCurveCalibrator |
Curve calibrator for rates curves.
RatesCurveGroup |
A group of curves.
RatesCurveGroup.Builder |
The bean-builder for RatesCurveGroup .
RatesCurveGroup.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatesCurveGroup .
RatesCurveGroupDefinition |
Provides the definition of how to calibrate a group of curves.
RatesCurveGroupDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatesCurveGroupDefinition .
RatesCurveGroupDefinitionBuilder |
A mutable builder for creating instances of CurveGroupDefinition .
RatesCurveGroupDefinitionCsvLoader |
Loads a set of curve group definitions into memory by reading from CSV resources.
RatesCurveGroupEntry |
A single entry in the curve group definition.
RatesCurveGroupEntry.Builder |
The bean-builder for RatesCurveGroupEntry .
RatesCurveGroupEntry.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatesCurveGroupEntry .
RatesCurveGroupId |
An identifier used to access a curve group by name.
RatesCurveGroupMarketDataFunction |
Market data function that builds a curve group.
RatesCurveInputs |
The input data used when calibrating a curve.
RatesCurveInputs.Builder |
The bean-builder for RatesCurveInputs .
RatesCurveInputs.Meta |
The meta-bean for RatesCurveInputs .
RatesCurveInputsId |
An identifier used to access the inputs to curve calibration.
RatesCurveInputsMarketDataFunction |
Market data function that builds the input data used when calibrating a curve.
RatesCurvesCsvLoader |
Loads a set of rates curves into memory by reading from CSV resources.
RatesFiniteDifferenceSensitivityCalculator |
Computes the curve parameter sensitivity by finite difference.
RatesMarketData |
Market data for rates products.
RatesMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to rates in market data.
RatesProvider |
A provider of rates, such as Ibor and Overnight, used for pricing financial instruments.
RatesProviderGenerator |
RatesScenarioMarketData |
Market data for rates products, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
RawOptionData |
Raw data from the volatility market.
RealFunctionIntegrator1DFactory |
Factory class for 1-D integrators that do not take arguments.
RealPolynomialFunction1D |
Class representing a polynomial that has real coefficients and takes a real
RealSingleRootFinder |
Parent class for root-finders that find a single real root $x$ for a function $f(x)$.
RecombiningTrinomialTreeData |
Recombining trinomial tree data.
RecombiningTrinomialTreeData.Meta |
The meta-bean for RecombiningTrinomialTreeData .
RecoveryRates |
Recovery rates.
ReferenceData |
Provides access to reference data, such as holiday calendars and securities.
ReferenceDataId<T> |
An identifier for a unique item of reference data.
ReferenceDataNotFoundException |
Exception thrown if reference data cannot be found.
RepoCurveDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a repo curve.
RepoCurveDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for RepoCurveDiscountFactors .
RepoCurveInputsId |
An identifier used to access the inputs to curve calibration.
RepoCurveZeroRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to the repo curve.
RepoCurveZeroRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for RepoCurveZeroRateSensitivity .
RepoGroup |
Group used to identify a related set of repo curves when pricing bonds.
Report |
Represents a business report.
ReportCalculationResults |
Stores a set of engine calculation results along with the context required to run reports.
ReportCalculationResults.Meta |
The meta-bean for ReportCalculationResults .
ReportFormatter<R extends Report> |
Common base class for formatting reports into ASCII tables or CSV format.
ReportingCurrency |
The reporting currency.
ReportingCurrency.Meta |
The meta-bean for ReportingCurrency .
ReportingCurrencyType |
The available types of reporting currency.
ReportOutputFormat |
Enumerates the report output formats.
ReportRequirements |
Describes the requirements for a report to be run in terms of trade-level measures that
can be separately obtained by the calculation engine.
ReportRequirements.Meta |
The meta-bean for ReportRequirements .
ReportRunner<T extends ReportTemplate> |
Runs a report for a specific template type.
ReportTemplate |
Marker interface for report templates.
ReportTemplateIniLoader<T extends ReportTemplate> |
Loads a report template from an ini-based file format.
ResetSchedule |
Defines the schedule of fixing dates relative to the accrual periods.
ResetSchedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResetSchedule .
ResetSchedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResetSchedule .
Resolvable<T> |
An object that can be resolved against reference data.
ResolvableCalculationTarget |
A calculation target that can be resolved using reference data.
ResolvableSecurityPosition |
A position that has a security identifier that can be resolved using reference data.
ResolvableSecurityTrade |
A trade that has a security identifier that can be resolved using reference data.
ResolvableTrade<T extends ResolvedTrade> |
A trade that can to be resolved using reference data.
ResolvedBill |
A bill, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBill.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBill .
ResolvedBill.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBill .
ResolvedBillTrade |
A trade in a bill, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBillTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBillTrade .
ResolvedBillTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBillTrade .
ResolvedBondFuture |
A futures contract based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBondFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBondFuture .
ResolvedBondFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBondFuture .
ResolvedBondFutureOption |
A futures option contract based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBondFutureOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBondFutureOption .
ResolvedBondFutureOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBondFutureOption .
ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade |
A trade in in an option on a futures contract based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade .
ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBondFutureOptionTrade .
ResolvedBondFutureTrade |
A trade in a futures contract based on a basket of fixed coupon bonds, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBondFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBondFutureTrade .
ResolvedBondFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBondFutureTrade .
ResolvedBulletPayment |
A bullet payment, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBulletPayment.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBulletPayment .
ResolvedBulletPayment.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBulletPayment .
ResolvedBulletPaymentTrade |
A bullet payment trade, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedBulletPaymentTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedBulletPaymentTrade .
ResolvedBulletPaymentTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedBulletPaymentTrade .
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond |
A capital indexed bond.
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond .
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond .
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondSettlement |
The settlement details of a capital indexed bond trade.
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade |
A trade in a capital indexed bond, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade .
ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTrade .
ResolvedCds |
A single-name credit default swap (CDS), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCds.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCds .
ResolvedCds.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCds .
ResolvedCdsIndex |
A CDS (portfolio) index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCdsIndex.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCdsIndex .
ResolvedCdsIndex.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCdsIndex .
ResolvedCdsIndexTrade |
A trade in a CDS index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCdsIndexTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCdsIndexTrade .
ResolvedCdsIndexTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCdsIndexTrade .
ResolvedCdsTrade |
A trade in a single-name credit default swap (CDS), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCdsTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCdsTrade .
ResolvedCdsTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCdsTrade .
ResolvedCms |
A constant maturity swap (CMS) or CMS cap/floor, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCms.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCms .
ResolvedCmsLeg |
A CMS leg of a constant maturity swap (CMS) product, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCmsLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCmsLeg .
ResolvedCmsLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCmsLeg .
ResolvedCmsTrade |
A trade in a constant maturity swap (CMS), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedCmsTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedCmsTrade .
ResolvedCmsTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedCmsTrade .
ResolvedDsf |
A Deliverable Swap Future, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedDsf.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedDsf .
ResolvedDsf.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedDsf .
ResolvedDsfTrade |
A trade in a Deliverable Swap Future, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedDsfTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedDsfTrade .
ResolvedDsfTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedDsfTrade .
ResolvedFixedCouponBond |
A fixed coupon bond, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFixedCouponBond.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFixedCouponBond .
ResolvedFixedCouponBond.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFixedCouponBond .
ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption |
ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption .
ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFixedCouponBondOption .
ResolvedFixedCouponBondSettlement |
The settlement details of a fixed coupon bond trade.
ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade |
A trade in a fixed coupon bond, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade .
ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFixedCouponBondTrade .
ResolvedFra |
A forward rate agreement (FRA), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFra.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFra .
ResolvedFra.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFra .
ResolvedFraTrade |
A trade in a forward rate agreement (FRA), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFraTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFraTrade .
ResolvedFraTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFraTrade .
ResolvedFxNdf |
A Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxNdf.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxNdf .
ResolvedFxNdf.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxNdf .
ResolvedFxNdfTrade |
A trade in a Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF), resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxNdfTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxNdfTrade .
ResolvedFxNdfTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxNdfTrade .
ResolvedFxSingle |
A single FX transaction, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxSingle.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSingle .
ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOption |
Resolved FX (European) single barrier option.
ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOption .
ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOptionTrade |
A trade in an FX single barrier option, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOptionTrade .
ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSingleBarrierOptionTrade .
ResolvedFxSingleTrade |
A trade in a single FX transaction, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxSingleTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxSingleTrade .
ResolvedFxSingleTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSingleTrade .
ResolvedFxSwap |
An FX Swap, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxSwap.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSwap .
ResolvedFxSwapTrade |
A trade in an FX swap, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxSwapTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxSwapTrade .
ResolvedFxSwapTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxSwapTrade .
ResolvedFxVanillaOption |
A vanilla FX option, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxVanillaOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxVanillaOption .
ResolvedFxVanillaOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxVanillaOption .
ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade |
A trade in a vanilla FX option, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade .
ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade .
ResolvedIborCapFloor |
An Ibor cap/floor, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborCapFloor.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborCapFloor .
ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg |
An Ibor cap/floor leg of an Ibor cap/floor product, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg .
ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborCapFloorLeg .
ResolvedIborCapFloorTrade |
A trade in an Ibor cap/floor, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborCapFloorTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborCapFloorTrade .
ResolvedIborCapFloorTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborCapFloorTrade .
ResolvedIborFixingDeposit |
An Ibor fixing deposit, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFixingDeposit.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFixingDeposit .
ResolvedIborFixingDeposit.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFixingDeposit .
ResolvedIborFixingDepositTrade |
A trade in an Ibor fixing deposit, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFixingDepositTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFixingDepositTrade .
ResolvedIborFixingDepositTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFixingDepositTrade .
ResolvedIborFuture |
A futures contract based on an Ibor index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFuture .
ResolvedIborFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFuture .
ResolvedIborFutureOption |
A futures option contract based on an Ibor index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFutureOption.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFutureOption .
ResolvedIborFutureOption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFutureOption .
ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade |
A trade in an option on a futures contract based on an Ibor index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade .
ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFutureOptionTrade .
ResolvedIborFutureTrade |
A trade in a futures contract based on an Ibor index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedIborFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedIborFutureTrade .
ResolvedIborFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedIborFutureTrade .
ResolvedOvernightFuture |
A futures contract based on an Overnight index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedOvernightFuture.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedOvernightFuture .
ResolvedOvernightFuture.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedOvernightFuture .
ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade |
A trade in a futures contract based on an Overnight index, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade .
ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedOvernightFutureTrade .
ResolvedProduct |
A product that has been resolved for pricing.
ResolvedSwap |
A rate swap, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedSwap.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedSwap .
ResolvedSwap.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedSwap .
ResolvedSwapLeg |
A resolved swap leg, with dates calculated ready for pricing.
ResolvedSwapLeg.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedSwapLeg .
ResolvedSwapLeg.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedSwapLeg .
ResolvedSwaption |
A swaption, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedSwaption.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedSwaption .
ResolvedSwaption.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedSwaption .
ResolvedSwaptionTrade |
A trade in a swaption, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedSwaptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedSwaptionTrade .
ResolvedSwaptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedSwaptionTrade .
ResolvedSwapTrade |
A trade in a rate swap, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedSwapTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedSwapTrade .
ResolvedSwapTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedSwapTrade .
ResolvedTermDeposit |
A term deposit, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedTermDeposit.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedTermDeposit .
ResolvedTermDeposit.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedTermDeposit .
ResolvedTermDepositTrade |
A trade in a term deposit, resolved for pricing.
ResolvedTermDepositTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedTermDepositTrade .
ResolvedTermDepositTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedTermDepositTrade .
ResolvedTrade |
A trade that has been resolved for pricing.
ResolvedTradeParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a resolved trade and label.
ResolvedTradeParameterMetadata.Builder |
The bean-builder for ResolvedTradeParameterMetadata .
ResolvedTradeParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for ResolvedTradeParameterMetadata .
ResourceConfig |
Provides access to configuration files.
ResourceLocator |
A locator for a resource, specified as a file, URL, path or classpath resource.
Result<T> |
The result of an operation, either success or failure.
Result.Meta<T> |
The meta-bean for Result .
Results |
Calculation results of performing calculations for a set of targets and columns.
Results.Meta |
The meta-bean for Results .
ResultsListener |
Calculation listener that receives the results of individual calculations and builds a set of Results .
RidderSingleRootFinder |
Finds a single root of a function using Ridder's method.
RollConvention |
A convention defining how to roll dates.
RollConventions |
Constants and implementations for standard roll conventions.
RombergIntegrator1D |
RootFinderConfig |
Configuration for the root finder used when calibrating curves.
RootFinderConfig.Builder |
The bean-builder for RootFinderConfig .
RootFinderConfig.Meta |
The meta-bean for RootFinderConfig .
Rounding |
A convention defining how to round a number.
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D |
Adapted from the forth-order Runge-Kutta method for solving ODE.
SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsLegPricer |
Pricer for CMS legs by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.
SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer |
Computes the price of a CMS coupon/caplet/floorlet by swaption replication on a shifted SABR formula with extrapolation.
SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsProductPricer |
Pricer for CMS products by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.
SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsTradePricer |
Pricer for CMS trade by swaption replication on a SABR formula with extrapolation.
SabrExtrapolationRightFunction |
Pricing function in the SABR model with Hagan et al.
SabrFormulaData |
The data bundle for SABR formula.
SabrHaganNormalVolatilityFormula |
Formulas related to the SABR implied normal volatility function.
SabrHaganVolatilityFunctionProvider |
The Hagan SABR volatility function provider.
SabrIborCapFloorLegPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor legs in SABR model.
SabrIborCapFloorProductPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor products in SABR model.
SabrIborCapFloorTradePricer |
Pricer for cap/floor trades in SABR model.
SabrIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for caplet/floorlet in SABR model.
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in SABR model.
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition .
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition .
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapper |
Caplet volatilities calibration to cap volatilities based on SABR model.
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationDefinition .
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrationDefinition .
SabrIborCapletFloorletVolatilityCalibrator |
Caplet volatilities calibration to cap volatilities based on SABR model.
SabrInArrearsVolatilityFunction |
Adjustments to the SABR parameters to accommodate the pricing of in-arrears caplets.
SabrInArrearsVolatilityFunction.Builder |
The bean-builder for SabrInArrearsVolatilityFunction .
SabrInArrearsVolatilityFunction.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrInArrearsVolatilityFunction .
SabrInterestRateParameters |
The volatility surface description under SABR model.
SabrModelFitter |
SABR model fitter.
SabrOvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for in-arrears caplets and floorlets (Asian style options) in the SABR with effective parameters approach.
SabrParameters |
The volatility surface description under SABR model.
SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities |
Volatility environment for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the SABR model.
SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities .
SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrParametersIborCapletFloorletVolatilities .
SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities |
Volatility environment for swaptions in the SABR model.
SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities.Builder |
The bean-builder for SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities .
SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities .
SabrParameterType |
The type of the SABR parameter - Alpha, Beta, Rho, Nu or shift.
SabrSwaptionCalibrator |
Swaption SABR calibrator.
SabrSwaptionCashParYieldProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with par yield curve method of cash settlement in SABR model.
SabrSwaptionDefinition |
Definition of standard inputs to SABR swaption calibration.
SabrSwaptionDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SabrSwaptionDefinition .
SabrSwaptionPhysicalProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement in SABR model on the swap rate.
SabrSwaptionRawDataSensitivityCalculator |
Calculator to obtain the raw data sensitivities for swaption related products using calibrated SABR data.
SabrSwaptionTradePricer |
Pricer for swaption trade in the SABR model on the swap rate.
SabrSwaptionVolatilities |
Volatility for swaptions in SABR model.
SabrVolatilityFormula |
Provides volatility and sensitivity in the SABR model.
SafeFiles |
Provides methods to operate on files using Path that avoid leaking file handles.
SampleFisherKurtosisCalculator |
The sample Fisher kurtosis gives a measure of how heavy the tails of a distribution are
with respect to the normal distribution (which has a Fisher kurtosis of zero).
SampleInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SamplePlusOneInterpolationQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SamplePlusOneNearestIndexQuantileMethod |
Implementation of a quantile estimator.
SampleSkewnessCalculator |
The sample skewness gives a measure of the asymmetry of the probability
distribution of a variable.
SampleStandardDeviationCalculator |
Calculates the sample standard deviation of a series of data.
SampleVarianceCalculator |
Calculates the sample variance of a series of data.
ScalarFieldFirstOrderDifferentiator |
Differentiates a scalar field (i.e.
ScalarFirstOrderDifferentiator |
Differentiates a scalar function with respect to its argument using finite difference.
ScalarMinimizer |
Interface for classes that extend the functionality of Minimizer by providing
a method that allows the search area for the minimum to be bounded.
ScalarSecondOrderDifferentiator |
Differentiates a scalar function with respect to its argument using finite difference.
ScenarioArray<T> |
An array of values, one for each scenario.
ScenarioDefinition |
A scenario definition defines how to create multiple sets of market data for running calculations over
a set of scenarios.
ScenarioDefinition.Builder |
The bean-builder for ScenarioDefinition .
ScenarioDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for ScenarioDefinition .
ScenarioFxConvertible<R> |
Provides the ability for objects to be automatically currency converted.
ScenarioFxRateProvider |
A provider of FX rates for scenarios.
ScenarioMarketData |
Provides access to market data across one or more scenarios.
ScenarioMarketDataId<T,U extends ScenarioArray<T>> |
Market data identifier used by functions that need access to objects containing market data for multiple scenarios.
ScenarioPerturbation<T> |
A perturbation that can be applied to a market data box to create market data
for use in one or more scenarios.
Schedule |
A complete schedule of periods (date ranges), with both unadjusted and adjusted dates.
Schedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for Schedule .
Schedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for Schedule .
ScheduledSwapLeg |
A swap leg that defines dates using a schedule.
ScheduleException |
Exception thrown when a schedule cannot be calculated.
SchedulePeriod |
A period in a schedule.
SchedulePeriod.Builder |
The bean-builder for SchedulePeriod .
SchedulePeriod.Meta |
The meta-bean for SchedulePeriod .
SeasonalityDefinition |
Provides the definition of seasonality for a price index curve.
SeasonalityDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SeasonalityDefinition .
SeasonalityDefinitionCsvLoader |
Loads a set of seasonality definitions into memory by reading from CSV resources.
SecuritizedProduct |
The product details of a financial instrument that is traded as a security.
SecuritizedProductPortfolioItem<P extends SecuritizedProduct> |
A trade that is directly based on a securitized product.
SecuritizedProductPosition<P extends SecuritizedProduct> |
A position that is directly based on a securitized product.
SecuritizedProductTrade<P extends SecuritizedProduct> |
A trade that is directly based on a securitized product.
Security |
A security that can be traded.
SecurityId |
An identifier for a security.
SecurityInfo |
Information about a security.
SecurityInfo.Meta |
The meta-bean for SecurityInfo .
SecurityInfoBuilder |
Builder to create SecurityInfo .
SecurityPosition |
A position in a security, where the security is referenced by identifier.
SecurityPosition.Builder |
The bean-builder for SecurityPosition .
SecurityPosition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SecurityPosition .
SecurityPositionCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single SecurityPosition for each of a set of scenarios.
SecurityPriceInfo |
Defines the meaning of the security price.
SecurityPriceInfo.Meta |
The meta-bean for SecurityPriceInfo .
SecurityQuantity |
A quantity of a security.
SecurityQuantityTrade |
A trade that is based on security, quantity and price.
SecurityTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a security to produce another object.
SecurityTrade |
A trade representing the purchase or sale of a security,
where the security is referenced by identifier.
SecurityTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for SecurityTrade .
SecurityTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for SecurityTrade .
SecurityTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single SecurityTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
SecurityTradeCsvPlugin |
Handles the CSV file format for Security trades.
SemiLocalCubicSplineInterpolator |
Cubic spline interpolation based on
Sensitivities |
Risk expressed as a set of sensitivities.
SensitivityCsvInfoResolver |
Resolves additional information when parsing sensitivity CSV files.
SensitivityCsvInfoSupplier |
Resolves additional information when writing sensitivity CSV files.
SensitivityCsvLoader |
Loads sensitivities from CSV files.
SensitivityCsvWriter |
Writes sensitivities to a CSV file.
SequenceDate |
Instructions to obtain a specific date from a sequence of dates.
SerializedValue |
A serialized value.
SettlementType |
Flag indicating how a financial instrument is to be settled.
ShermanMorrisonMatrixUpdateFunction |
ShermanMorrisonVectorRootFinder |
A root finder that uses the Sherman-Morrison formula to invert Broyden's Jacobian update formula,
thus providing a direct update formula for the inverse Jacobian.
ShiftedBlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities |
Volatility for Ibor caplet/floorlet in the shifted log-normal or shifted Black model based on a surface.
ShiftedBlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities.Meta |
The meta-bean for ShiftedBlackIborCapletFloorletExpiryStrikeVolatilities .
ShiftType |
Enum representing alternative ways to apply a shift which modifies the value of a piece of market data.
SimpleAttributes |
A simple implementation of attributes.
SimpleConstantContinuousBarrier |
Continuous barrier with constant barrier level.
SimpleConstantContinuousBarrier.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleConstantContinuousBarrier .
SimpleCreditCurveCalibrator |
Simple credit curve calibrator.
SimpleCurveParameterMetadata |
Simple parameter metadata containing the x value and type.
SimpleCurveParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleCurveParameterMetadata .
SimpleDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a currency based on a discount factor curve.
SimpleDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleDiscountFactors .
SimpleIborIndexRates |
An Ibor index curve providing rates directly from a forward rates curve.
SimpleIborIndexRates.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleIborIndexRates .
SimpleLegalEntity |
A simple legal entity implementation.
SimplePriceIndexValues |
Provides values for a Price index from a forward curve.
SimplePriceIndexValues.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimplePriceIndexValues .
SimpleStrike |
A simple strike value.
SimpleStrike.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleStrike .
SimpleSurfaceParameterMetadata |
Simple parameter metadata containing the x and y values and type.
SimpleSurfaceParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for SimpleSurfaceParameterMetadata .
SimpsonIntegrator1D |
Simpson's integration rule is a Newton-Cotes formula that approximates the
function to be integrated with quadratic polynomials before performing the
SingleCurrencySwapConvention |
A market convention for swap trades.
SingleRangeLimitTransform |
If a model parameter $x$ is constrained to be either above or below some
level $a$ (i.e.
SingleRootFinder<S,T> |
Interface for classes that attempt to find a root for a one-dimensional function
(see Function ) $f(x)$ bounded by user-supplied values,
$x_1$ and $x_2$.
SmileAndBucketedSensitivities |
Combines information about a volatility smile expressed in delta form and its sensitivities.
SmileDeltaParameters |
A delta dependent smile as used in Forex market.
SmileDeltaParameters.Meta |
The meta-bean for SmileDeltaParameters .
SmileDeltaTermStructure |
A term structure of smile as used in Forex market.
SmileModelData |
A data bundle of a volatility model.
SmileModelFitter<T extends SmileModelData> |
Smile model fitter.
SmithWilsonCurveFunction |
Smith-Wilson curve function.
SplitEtdId |
An OG-ETD identifier that has been split into its constituent parts
SplitEtdId.Builder |
The bean-builder for SplitEtdId .
SplitEtdOption |
The option fields of a split OG-ETD identifier.
SpreadSensitivityCalculator |
The spread sensitivity calculator.
SsviFormulaData |
The data bundle for SSVI smile formula.
SsviVolatilityFunction |
Surface Stochastic Volatility Inspired (SSVI) formula.
StandardComponents |
Factory methods for creating standard Strata components.
StandardFxSwapConventions |
Market standard FX swap conventions.
StandardId |
An immutable standard identifier for an item.
StandardId.Meta |
The meta-bean for StandardId .
StandardSchemes |
A set of schemes that can be used with StandardId .
Strike |
The strike of an option, describing both type and value.
StrikeType |
The type of a strike.
StringCharSource |
A char source implementation that explicitly wraps a String .
StubConvention |
A convention defining how to calculate stub periods.
StudentT |
StudentTDistribution |
Student's T-distribution is a continuous probability distribution with probability density function
f(x) = \frac{\Gamma\left(\frac{\nu + 1}{2}\right)}{\sqrt{\nu\pi}\Gamma(\left(\frac{\nu}{2}\right)}\
left(1 + \frac{x^2}{\nu}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}(\nu + 1)}
where $\nu$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $\Gamma$ is the Gamma function ( GammaFunction ).
StudentTOneTailedCriticalValueCalculator |
StudentT calculator.
StudentTTwoTailedCriticalValueCalculator |
StudentT calculator.
SummarizerUtils |
Utilities to support summarizing portfolio items.
SumToOne |
For a set of N-1 "fit" parameters, produces N "model" parameters that sum to one.
Surface |
A surface that maps a double x-value and y-value to a double z-value.
SurfaceIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition |
Definition of caplet volatilities calibration.
SurfaceIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for SurfaceIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapDefinition .
SurfaceIborCapletFloorletVolatilityBootstrapper |
Caplet volatilities calibration to cap volatilities based on interpolated surface.
SurfaceInfoType<T> |
The type that provides meaning to additional surface information.
SurfaceInterpolator |
Interface for interpolators that interpolate a surface.
SurfaceMetadata |
Metadata about a surface and surface parameters.
SurfaceName |
The name of a surface.
Surfaces |
Helper for creating common types of surfaces.
SVDecompositionCommons |
SVDecompositionCommonsResult |
SVDecompositionResult |
Contains the results of SV matrix decomposition.
Swap |
A rate swap.
Swap.Builder |
The bean-builder for Swap .
Swap.Meta |
The meta-bean for Swap .
SwapIndex |
A swap index.
SwapIndices |
Constants and implementations for standard swap indices.
SwapIsdaCreditCurveNode |
An ISDA compliant curve node whose instrument is a standard Fixed-Ibor interest rate swap.
SwapIsdaCreditCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwapIsdaCreditCurveNode .
SwapIsdaCreditCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwapIsdaCreditCurveNode .
SwapLeg |
A single leg of a swap.
SwapLegAmount |
Represents an amount associated with one leg of a swap.
SwapLegAmount.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwapLegAmount .
SwapLegAmount.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwapLegAmount .
SwapLegConvention |
A market convention for swap legs.
SwapLegType |
The type of a swap leg.
SwapPaymentEvent |
A payment event, where a single payment is made between two counterparties.
SwapPaymentEventPricer<T extends SwapPaymentEvent> |
Pricer for payment events.
SwapPaymentPeriod |
A period over which interest is accrued with a single payment.
SwapPaymentPeriodPricer<T extends SwapPaymentPeriod> |
Pricer for payment periods.
Swaption |
An option on an underlying swap.
Swaption.Builder |
The bean-builder for Swaption .
Swaption.Meta |
The meta-bean for Swaption .
SwaptionExercise |
Details as to when a swaption can be exercised.
SwaptionExercise.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionExercise .
SwaptionExerciseDate |
One possible date for swaption exercise, resolved for pricing.
SwaptionExerciseDate.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwaptionExerciseDate .
SwaptionExerciseDates |
The dates when a swaption can be exercised, resolved for pricing.
SwaptionExerciseDates.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwaptionExerciseDates .
SwaptionExerciseDates.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionExerciseDates .
SwaptionMarketData |
Market data for swaptions.
SwaptionMarketDataLookup |
The lookup that provides access to swaption volatilities in market data.
SwaptionSabrSensitivity |
Sensitivity of a swaption to SABR model parameters.
SwaptionSabrSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionSabrSensitivity .
SwaptionScenarioMarketData |
Market data for swaptions, used for calculation across multiple scenarios.
SwaptionSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to a swaption implied parameter point.
SwaptionSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionSensitivity .
SwaptionSettlement |
Defines how the payoff of a swaption will be settled.
SwaptionSurfaceExpirySimpleMoneynessParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a surface node for swaptions with a specific time to expiry and simple moneyness.
SwaptionSurfaceExpirySimpleMoneynessParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionSurfaceExpirySimpleMoneynessParameterMetadata .
SwaptionSurfaceExpiryStrikeParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a surface node for swaptions with a specific time to expiry and strike.
SwaptionSurfaceExpiryStrikeParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionSurfaceExpiryStrikeParameterMetadata .
SwaptionSurfaceExpiryTenorParameterMetadata |
Surface node metadata for a surface node for swaptions with a specific time to expiry and underlying swap tenor.
SwaptionSurfaceExpiryTenorParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionSurfaceExpiryTenorParameterMetadata .
SwaptionTrade |
A trade in an option on an underlying swap.
SwaptionTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwaptionTrade .
SwaptionTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwaptionTrade .
SwaptionTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single SwaptionTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
SwaptionTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for swaption trades.
SwaptionVolatilities |
Volatilities for pricing swaptions.
SwaptionVolatilitiesId |
An identifier used to access swaption volatilities by name.
SwaptionVolatilitiesName |
The name of a set of swaption volatilities.
SwapTrade |
A trade in a rate swap.
SwapTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for SwapTrade .
SwapTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for SwapTrade .
SwapTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single SwapTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
SwapTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for swap trades.
SyntheticRatesCurveCalibrator |
Synthetic curve calibrator.
TargetTypeCalculationParameter |
A calculation parameter that selects the parameter based on the type of the target.
Tenor |
A tenor indicating how long it will take for a financial instrument to reach maturity.
TenorAdjustment |
An adjustment that alters a date by adding a tenor.
TenorAdjustment.Builder |
The bean-builder for TenorAdjustment .
TenorAdjustment.Meta |
The meta-bean for TenorAdjustment .
TenorCdsTemplate |
A template for creating credit default swap trades.
TenorCdsTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for TenorCdsTemplate .
TenorDateParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a date and tenor.
TenorDateParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for TenorDateParameterMetadata .
TenoredParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata that specifies a tenor.
TenorParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a tenor.
TenorParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for TenorParameterMetadata .
TenorRawOptionData |
Raw data from the volatility market for a set of tenors.
TenorTenorParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on an expiry tenor, an underlying tenor and their respective year fractions.
TenorTenorParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for TenorTenorParameterMetadata .
TermDeposit |
A term deposit.
TermDeposit.Builder |
The bean-builder for TermDeposit .
TermDeposit.Meta |
The meta-bean for TermDeposit .
TermDepositConvention |
A market convention for term deposit trades.
TermDepositConventions |
Market standard term deposit conventions.
TermDepositCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a term deposit.
TermDepositCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for TermDepositCurveNode .
TermDepositCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for TermDepositCurveNode .
TermDepositTemplate |
A template for creating a term deposit trade.
TermDepositTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for TermDepositTemplate .
TermDepositTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for TermDepositTemplate .
TermDepositTrade |
A trade in a term deposit.
TermDepositTrade.Builder |
The bean-builder for TermDepositTrade .
TermDepositTrade.Meta |
The meta-bean for TermDepositTrade .
TermDepositTradeCalculationFunction |
Perform calculations on a single TermDepositTrade for each of a set of scenarios.
TermDepositTradeCalculations |
Calculates pricing and risk measures for term deposit trades.
ThreeLegBasisSwapConvention |
A market convention for three leg basis swap trades.
ThreeLegBasisSwapConventions |
Market standard three leg basis swap conventions.
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a three leg basis swap.
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode .
ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for ThreeLegBasisSwapCurveNode .
ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate |
A template for creating Fixed-Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate .
ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for ThreeLegBasisSwapTemplate .
TimeSeriesProvider |
A provider of time-series.
TokenEvaluator<T> |
Evaluates a token against an object to produce another object.
TopHatFunction |
Class representing the top-hat function, defined as:
0 & x < x_1\\
y & x_1 < x < x_2\\
0 & x > x_2
where $x_1$ is the lower edge of the "hat", $x_2$ is the upper edge and $y$
is the height of the function.
Trade |
A trade with additional structured information.
TradeCalibrationMeasure<T extends ResolvedTrade> |
Provides calibration measures for a single type of trade based on functions.
TradeConvention |
A market convention for trades.
TradeCounterpartyCalculationParameter |
A calculation parameter that selects the parameter based on the counterparty of the target.
TradeCsvInfoResolver |
Resolves additional information when parsing trade CSV files.
TradeCsvInfoSupplier |
Resolves additional information when writing trade CSV files.
TradeCsvLoader |
Loads trades from CSV files.
TradeCsvParserPlugin |
Pluggable CSV trade parser.
TradeCsvWriter |
Writes trades to a CSV file.
TradeCsvWriterPlugin<T extends Trade> |
Pluggable CSV trade writer.
TradedPrice |
The traded price of a security-based trade.
TradeInfo |
Additional information about a trade.
TradeInfo.Meta |
The meta-bean for TradeInfo .
TradeInfoBuilder |
Builder to create TradeInfo .
TradeReport |
Represents a trade report.
TradeReport.Builder |
The bean-builder for TradeReport .
TradeReport.Meta |
The meta-bean for TradeReport .
TradeReportColumn |
Describes a column in a trade report.
TradeReportColumn.Builder |
The bean-builder for TradeReportColumn .
TradeReportColumn.Meta |
The meta-bean for TradeReportColumn .
TradeReportFormatter |
Formatter for trade reports.
TradeReportRunner |
Report runner for trade reports.
TradeReportTemplate |
Describes the contents and layout of a trade report.
TradeReportTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for TradeReportTemplate .
TradeReportTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for TradeReportTemplate .
TradeReportTemplateIniLoader |
Loads a trade report template from the standard INI file format.
TradeTemplate |
A template used to create a trade.
TradeTokenEvaluator |
Evaluates a token against a trade to produce another object.
TriConsumer<T,U,V> |
A consumer that takes three arguments.
TridiagonalMatrix |
Class representing a tridiagonal matrix.
TridiagonalSolver |
TriFunction<T,U,V,R> |
A function that takes three arguments.
TrigeorgisLatticeSpecification |
Trigeorgis lattice specification.
TrinomialTree |
Trinomial tree.
Triple<A,B,C> |
An immutable triple consisting of three elements.
Triple.Meta<A,B,C> |
The meta-bean for Triple .
TriPredicate<T,U,V> |
A predicate that takes three arguments.
Tuple |
Base interface for all tuple types.
TypedString<T extends TypedString<T>> |
An abstract class designed to enable typed strings.
Unchecked |
Static utility methods that convert checked exceptions to unchecked.
UncheckedReflectiveOperationException |
An unchecked reflection exception.
UncoupledParameterTransforms |
For a set of n function parameters, this takes n ParameterLimitsTransform
(which can be the NullTransform which does NOT transform the parameter) which transform
a constrained function parameter (e.g.
UnicodeBom |
Utilities that allow code to use the Unicode Byte Order Mark.
UnitParameterSensitivities |
Unit parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data, such as curves.
UnitParameterSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for UnitParameterSensitivities .
UnitParameterSensitivity |
Unit parameter sensitivity for parameterized market data, such as a curve.
UnitParameterSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for UnitParameterSensitivity .
UriByteSource |
A byte source implementation that obtains data from a URI.
ValuationZoneTimeDefinition |
Definition of valuation zone and time.
ValuationZoneTimeDefinition.Meta |
The meta-bean for ValuationZoneTimeDefinition .
ValueAdjustment |
An adjustment to a value, describing how to change one value into another.
ValueAdjustment.Meta |
The meta-bean for ValueAdjustment .
ValueAdjustmentType |
The type of value adjustment.
ValueDerivatives |
A value and its derivatives.
ValueFormatter<T> |
Formats a value into a string.
ValueFormatters |
Provides standard formatters.
ValuePathEvaluator |
Evaluates a path describing a value to be shown in a trade report.
ValueRootType |
Enumerates the possible value path roots.
ValueSchedule |
A value that can vary over time.
ValueSchedule.Builder |
The bean-builder for ValueSchedule .
ValueSchedule.Meta |
The meta-bean for ValueSchedule .
ValueStep |
A single step in the variation of a value over time.
ValueStep.Builder |
The bean-builder for ValueStep .
ValueStep.Meta |
The meta-bean for ValueStep .
ValueStepSequence |
A sequence of steps that vary a value over time.
ValueStepSequence.Meta |
The meta-bean for ValueStepSequence .
ValueType |
The type of a value.
ValueWithFailures<T> |
A value with associated failures.
ValueWithFailures.Meta<T> |
The meta-bean for ValueWithFailures .
VannaVolgaFxVanillaOptionProductPricer |
Pricing method for vanilla Forex option transactions with Vanna-Volga method.
VannaVolgaFxVanillaOptionTradePricer |
Pricer for FX vanilla option trades with a Vanna-Volga method.
VectorFieldFirstOrderDifferentiator |
Differentiates a vector field (i.e.
VectorFieldSecondOrderDifferentiator |
The Vector field second order differentiator.
VectorFunction |
Abstraction for the vector function $f: \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^n \quad x \mapsto f(x)$ where the
Jacobian $j : \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^{n\times m} \quad x \mapsto j(x)$ is also provided.
VectorFunctionProvider<T> |
Interface for anything the provides a vector function which depends on some extraneous data.
VectorRootFinder |
Parent class for root-finders that calculate a root for a vector function
Version |
Provides access to the version of Strata.
VerticalSpreadSabrOvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer |
Pricer for binary caplet/floorlet based on volatilities.
VerticalSpreadVolatilityIborCapletFloorletBinaryPeriodPricer |
Pricer for binary caplet/floorlet based on volatilities.
VolatilityAndBucketedSensitivities |
Combines information about a volatility and its sensitivities.
VolatilityAndBucketedSensitivities.Meta |
The meta-bean for VolatilityAndBucketedSensitivities .
VolatilityFunctionProvider<T extends SmileModelData> |
Provides functions that return volatility and its sensitivity to volatility model parameters.
VolatilityIborCapFloorLegPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor legs based on volatilities.
VolatilityIborCapFloorProductPricer |
Pricer for cap/floor products based on volatilities.
VolatilityIborCapFloorTradePricer |
Pricer for cap/floor trades based on volatilities.
VolatilityIborCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for caplet/floorlet based on volatilities.
VolatilityOvernightInArrearsCapletFloorletPeriodPricer |
Pricer for overnight in-arrears caplet/floorlet based on volatilities.
VolatilitySwaptionCashParYieldProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with par yield curve method of cash settlement based on volatilities.
VolatilitySwaptionPhysicalProductPricer |
Pricer for swaption with physical settlement based on volatilities.
VolatilitySwaptionProductPricer |
Pricer for swaptions handling physical and cash par yield settlement based on volatilities.
VolatilitySwaptionTradePricer |
Pricer for swaptions handling physical and cash par yield settlement based on volatilities.
WeightedLeastSquaresRegression |
WeightedLeastSquaresRegressionResult |
WeightingFunction |
A function to allow a smooth weighing between two functions.
WeightingFunctions |
Constants and implementations for standard weighting functions.
XCcyIborIborSwapConvention |
A market convention for cross-currency Ibor-Ibor swap trades without FX reset.
XCcyIborIborSwapConventions |
Market standard cross-currency Ibor-Ibor swap conventions.
XCcyIborIborSwapCurveNode |
A curve node whose instrument is a cross-currency Ibor-Ibor interest rate swap.
XCcyIborIborSwapCurveNode.Builder |
The bean-builder for XCcyIborIborSwapCurveNode .
XCcyIborIborSwapCurveNode.Meta |
The meta-bean for XCcyIborIborSwapCurveNode .
XCcyIborIborSwapTemplate |
A template for creating cross-currency Ibor-Ibor swap trades.
XCcyIborIborSwapTemplate.Builder |
The bean-builder for XCcyIborIborSwapTemplate .
XCcyIborIborSwapTemplate.Meta |
The meta-bean for XCcyIborIborSwapTemplate .
XmlElement |
A single element in the tree structure of XML.
XmlFile |
An XML file.
YearMonthDateParameterMetadata |
Parameter metadata based on a date and year-month.
YearMonthDateParameterMetadata.Meta |
The meta-bean for YearMonthDateParameterMetadata .
ZeroRateDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a currency based on a zero rate continuously compounded curve.
ZeroRateDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for ZeroRateDiscountFactors .
ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors |
Provides access to discount factors for a currency based on a zero rate periodically-compounded curve.
ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors.Meta |
The meta-bean for ZeroRatePeriodicDiscountFactors .
ZeroRateSensitivity |
Point sensitivity to the zero rate curve.
ZeroRateSensitivity.Meta |
The meta-bean for ZeroRateSensitivity .
ZipUtils |
Utility class to simplify accessing and creating zip files, and other packed formats.